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Esox Lucius

Established Member
3 Dec 2010
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5/12/2010 had a water pipe burst which sent a jet of water into a double electric socket, then up hitting the underside of the kitchen units and then down onto and into my washer dryer.

Being the bloke i am i dried the room out, repaired the electric circuit but could not save the washer dryer.

So i phoned the insurance company making my first claim EVER in over 20 years of being insured with the same company. I am on a new for old, accidental cover/everything policy.

Remember the 5/12/2010 date.

8/12/2010 i was contacted by the company saying that i needed to provide them a full engineers report on the washing machine..That cost me £40..sent a scanned copy as they requested to the company who promplty confirmed receipt.

24/12/2010 i had a further phone call from another section asking for a scanned copy of the engineers report. Explained that they had had one and that we were beginning to stink cus we got no washing machine.

Sent another copy...heard nothing...tried to contact them and was cut off time and time again after a fair wait in the phone queue.

19/1/2011. Was just called today saying that they were going to offer me £400 which is miles below the market value, then asked if i was going to be reimbursed my engineer report money that they requested me to obtain. I was told that they provide this service and i was wrong to have sought my own engineer to offer this service.

Good service if i ever saw it.

So to summarise.

I called..opened a claim..was TOLD by there PROFFESIONAL INSURANCE ADVISORS that i need a full report..i gave them the said full report and £40 to the (6 weeks after my washing machine packed up and the undercrackers turned inside out and backways on more than enough times) i get a call and offered the settlement for less than i should have gotten.

If anyone knows where they can buy top end Miele washing machines for £400 let me know please.

Moral of the story to dealing with any of these firms...sit down calmly at the start...have a pen and paper to hand and if possible write everything down that is said including times and who and where they are. Ask/Tell them to do the same their end so that it all matches.

Ask for definitive dates for a conclusion so you are not sat waiting like i have.

Above all set your asperations low so when the offer comes you are not upset.

Never trust what the proffesional advisors tells you.

And above all try to stay calm because at this very moment in time i really want to take it out on someone.

I did buy a washing machine before the claim was settled so i did not really stink for that long.

Sorry to waffle but its just got to me.

Made me feel abit like i am doing something wrong by making a claim.



See how much you can claim for without effecting no claims, and not needing a report - eg for the Iron that the cat knocked off the ironing board. Claim for one every few months.
Esox Lucius":3e3nvwdn said:
Moral of the story to dealing with any of these firms...sit down calmly at the start...have a pen and paper to hand and if possible write everything down that is said including times and who and where they are. Ask/Tell them to do the same their end so that it all matches.

A lot of mobile phones (ones that take a memory card) will allow you to record the phone conversation - seems a bloody good idea when dealing with these sorts of snake oil folk. Failing that alot of the larger firms will automatically record all call centre conversations. In the past when there has been a dispute - I've requested a copy of the conversation and it's been provided.

Miele - top machines, unfortunately not under £400, unless you find one on Ebay from someone who's updated their kitchen or they've know gone with integrated appliances. When I was looking for ours - gave me a good idea as to what I could haggle our local shops down to.

Sorry to hear about your hassles.

There's one thing I read about Insurance Companies a few years ago and it's stuck ever since - "Insurance companies are there to look out for the interests of their shareholders, not the policyholders."

I feel for you

But did you really think a insurance company insured you to cover you ?

Or just to get money out of you , then come up with every excuse under the sun not to pay out or pay a pittance :evil:

Been there done that , not any more

appliance wise , I but a basic machine , NO extra insurance cover , they last just as long and when it packs up , buy another basic model , had my basic washing machine / dish washer for about 4 years now still going strong and NO extra insurance :p

works for me :lol:
Don't accept the offer,make an official complaint, threaten with the financial ombudsman, tell them you'll write to the papers etc. etc. Try and make yourself a big enough PITA that it's easier to just pay you out.
Absolutly with MB on this one - never ever accept the first offer! Third maybe - after all it's new for old so stuff the 400! I'd also go onthe engineer's report too; personally if they get sniffy about it demand that they pull all the recordings of your calls (for training reasons) and if they can't it's your word against their's and why on earth would you commission your own report just before Christmas anyway! If they continue to get sniffy start to talk about loading your time (taken to arrange the spurious report) onto the bill. Do you still have the machine? If so they can jolly well come out and look at it.

Are there any bills that you forgot about when the repair to the wall and socket were done? Anything that you've noticed that needs doing as a result that was missed in that first "panic" of the repair which should be added to the bill? Afterall the claim is not closed until the last element has been accepted by you.

Good luck - you can get one heck of a lot more than 400 in this situation!

Threaten to put it in the hands of the small claims coart that will focus their attention.
When we dont get payed by someone we make out the small claims form, fax it to the debter saying you have seven days or we file this.
99 times out of a 100 we get payed.
Something worth remembering. ( The little bird that cheeps the most eats the most.)

Regards George
You should 'name and shame' this insurance company on here, it might get caught up in google-search and will be read - by hundreds possibly
monkeybiter":1o439gem said:
Don't accept the offer,make an official complaint, threaten with the financial ombudsman, tell them you'll write to the papers etc. etc. Try and make yourself a big enough PITA that it's easier to just pay you out.


I've also learned a long time ago that the best way by far for dealing with large companies like this is to only do so in writing. I know it might take a bit longer initially but you avoid all the waiting on the phone and being cut off - plus they can't really deny anything that they have put in writing.

monkeybiter":1o439gem said:
Don't accept the offer,make an official complaint, threaten with the financial ombudsman, tell them you'll write to the papers etc. etc. Try and make yourself a big enough PITA that it's easier to just pay you out.

Would second that too.

Here's hoping you get a good final result,


You can usually dry electronics out quite successfully, as long as you get the power off it quickly enough. I've done this with things ranging from tools (my builder filled a drill with wet plaster!) to an HP200LX I dropped in a washbasin in Singapore :oops:

I've even been known to put keyboards in the dishwasher (don't try this unless you know what you're doing!).

If you've still got the machine, You might find taking the panels off and applying a fan heater for a day or two might do the trick.

Sorry, no ideas about the insurers, except a change!

In disputed currently with the claim. Fingers crossed and all that.

Not sure how long the pipe was burst by the time i got home Eric but the water was running freely over my doorstep and across the drive. There was roughly a water trail of 40 yards before it vanished down the drain near my workshop. The PCB's where shot to hell. There were a few components i could have removed and resoldered but i am not sure it is worth the effort to only find something else pop a week/month down the line.

Water into the machine must have been more on the minutes/hours than seconds.

Watch this space.

Bunch of scamming ********!

I was looking through a GAP insurance 'offer' yesterday. What's that all about? An insurance policy to insure your insurance policy!!

it's the same as saying 'yes madam I'll fit your kitchen for you, but you had better get someone else as back up because I won't finish it for the money. Oh, and you'll have to pay them too!' :evil:

No one else would get away with it, so why do we let the insurance industry?
if it's definately new for old (some policies are on a scale dependant on age) then it's an absolute no brainer. Refuse the offer of a settlement and demand that they supply you with a new meile of same spec as your old one. (might have to pay an excess - read your policy).

At this stage I would write / email the CEO or MD of the company and complain. State also that due to their ineficiency you were forced to buy a machine and are out of pocket. Dig your heels in and you'll get a settlement.

If the boss of your ins co is here: - use the email address.

Pond":isg0eemv said:
Bunch of scamming ********!

I was looking through a GAP insurance 'offer' yesterday. What's that all about? An insurance policy to insure your insurance policy!!

it's the same as saying 'yes madam I'll fit your kitchen for you, but you had better get someone else as back up because I won't finish it for the money. Oh, and you'll have to pay them too!' :evil:

No one else would get away with it, so why do we let the insurance industry?

It's sold for items which are not insured on a new for old basis. Most commonly cars.

eg you buy a new motor for say £20k and a few weeks later manage to write it off. The market value will be only around £17 - 18k which is the most you'll be offered and you'll possibly not find a replacement at that price. Gap insurance makes up the difference - crazy world we live in :roll:


It's sold for items which are not insured on a new for old basis. Most commonly cars.

eg you buy a new motor for say £20k and a few weeks later manage to write it off. The market value will be only around £17 - 18k which is the most you'll be offered and you'll possibly not find a replacement at that price. Gap insurance makes up the difference - crazy world we live in :roll:


I understand the philophosy, just don't agree with it!

If you had to claim on both policies, I presume this would be recorded as two claims, therefore cancelling protected bonus? I bet they'd have a field day come renewal time.
Pond":2lwekw8n said:
I understand the philophosy, just don't agree with it!

If you had to claim on both policies, I presume this would be recorded as two claims, therefore cancelling protected bonus? I bet they'd have a field day come renewal time.

A colleague bought what was a 3yr E Class Merc just over 3yrs ago, paid £20k for it and then paid a one-off payment of £120 for gap insurance. This policy ran for 3yrs.

6 months ago, the guy in front stopped unexpectedly for a squirrel (yes that's right), my colleague stopped only just in time. The guy behind didn't. The Merc end up with damage to both front and back.

The 3rd guy's insurance co admitted liability and he was offered 8K - which represented market value. The Gap Insurance company paid out the other £12k. I was gob smacked. He took his £20k and bought another £20k E class - free motoring for 3 yrs is how sees it! And yes - he got another 3 yr Gap Policy! Funny thing was the Gap policy only had a few more months to go on it!

Madness - but these things do work that way.

Pond":32iosace said:
I understand the philophosy, just don't agree with .


Sorry - misunderstood you.

I don't agree either and never take gap insurance. The salesman tried very hard when we changed my wifes' mini cooper a couple of weeks ago, but it's a fact that because my wife and I look after our cars and do very little mileage, we would be penalised should they be written off as we certainly wouldn't get true replacement value.

I've had my car 2 years now and there isn't a mark on it. - 10,000 miles and no way could I find an equivlant at what I would get :roll: I am OTT and wash the cars (and van) at least 3 times a week, have diamondbrited them and polish once a month. I even use "snowfoam" before washing. - drives my missus potty :D

My daughter on the other hand, a number of years ago with an older car actually got more than she paid. (i got great pleasure negotiating that settlement for her :lol: :lol: )

All the above understood.

This is my scenario, can someone explain this:

I am due to contract hire a new car for 36 months, the payments are £307.00 plus VAT a month = £368.40 for 36 months = £13,262.40.

My contractual obligation on this vehicle is £13,262.40. The car retails for £25,000, the finance company paid approximately £21,000 for it!

If it is written off when, say, three months old the insurance company will, say, offer £18,000.

I don't own the car and have to tell the insurance company this. I get my outstanding credit balance of £12,500 and the finance company get this plus £5,500. If the finance company don't like the amount offered, it doesn't affect me!?

How can GAP insurance help in this scenario (except helping the finance company)?
If my understanding is right, they are trying to miss-sell a product (now illegal)?
Pond":1o199bc8 said:
All the above understood.

This is my scenario, can someone explain this:

I am due to contract hire a new car for 36 months, the payments are £307.00 plus VAT a month = £368.40 for 36 months = £13,262.40.

My contractual obligation on this vehicle is £13,262.40. The car retails for £25,000, the finance company paid approximately £21,000 for it!

If it is written off when, say, three months old the insurance company will, say, offer £18,000.

I don't own the car and have to tell the insurance company this. I get my outstanding credit balance of £12,500 and the finance company get this plus £5,500. If the finance company don't like the amount offered, it doesn't affect me!?

How can GAP insurance help in this scenario (except helping the finance company)?
If my understanding is right, they are trying to miss-sell a product (now illegal)?

On the face of it you don't need extra insurance but I would read the small print VERY carefully (in fact pose the scenario to the finance company directly and make a record of their reply / or preferably get it in writing).

These companies don't miss many tricks and it's unlikely that they haven't a clause in there somewhere that throws the responsibility back at you.

They will have insisted you insure the car comprehensively as a condition of hire and as you don't own the car it may be that they somehow have claim to all the insurance payout and allocate the balance to you rather than the other way around leaving you with a shortfall on your contract.

i.e. no car but £000s still to pay.

Don't trust the b******* :(

Pond":8kmy8f5o said:
All the above understood.

This is my scenario, can someone explain this:

I am due to contract hire a new car for 36 months, the payments are £307.00 plus VAT a month = £368.40 for 36 months = £13,262.40.

My contractual obligation on this vehicle is £13,262.40. The car retails for £25,000, the finance company paid approximately £21,000 for it!

If it is written off when, say, three months old the insurance company will, say, offer £18,000.

I don't own the car and have to tell the insurance company this. I get my outstanding credit balance of £12,500 and the finance company get this plus £5,500. If the finance company don't like the amount offered, it doesn't affect me!?

How can GAP insurance help in this scenario (except helping the finance company)?
If my understanding is right, they are trying to miss-sell a product (now illegal)?

What's to say they haven't GAP insured it already? I bet they have and it's not relevant to the leasing of it to you. A Finance company losing money - that ain't likely!

I would be interested in knowing what the crack is in respect to your liability if it gets written off and obviously the car is worth less than what the Finance Co paid for it.
