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Blo-dy hell Kevin, I am sorry mate, you really have had a terrible week.

It really makes me mad the way these ars-holes can just take you hard earned equipment, and then get away with it.


I'm really sorry to hear about your bad week Kevin, it's a real bummer to lose your tools. I'll have a look in the workshop and see if there's anything that I can send you to get you by.
I am sorry to hear about your bad news Kevin. Makes mine seem insignificant by comparison. I agree with Mike it really makes me mad too. :(
Kevin, can you list what the barstewards took?

When I've finished my workshed, rather than freecycling anything I'm replacing I'll see if you could use it (unfortunately no timescales as such).


I'll second the above. I'm a bit of a hoarder, so please list what the scumbags lifted and if I have anything going spare that fits the bill, you can have it.
It would appear my earlier comment on the thread that the police will most probably only log the crime has been confirmed on the BBC news this morning.
"Two million burglaries and thefts are not attended to by the police forces of the UK."
So the burglars know as long as they dont physically bump into the arms of the law with the swag on display they have nothing to worry about.

And the householder dare not get involved otherwise the law will prosecute the victim etc. etc. and even send him to prison if he takes the extreme measure of shooting the scum.
A couple of years ago my shed was a target and was visited several times. The scariest was the time when I was inside it working late one night and someone climbed onto the roof to try to point the security light away from the door :shock:
They returned several days later, ripped the window off it's hinges and made off with the easily portable hand power tools. Luckily for me they were just all Black and Decker cheapies in various states of dis-repair. The amusing part was that the idiots used one of my hollowing tools to pry the padlock off my wood store door and then left the tool lying on the floor as they didn't know what it was and it wasn't easily saleable. That one tool was worth more than all that they did take!

To solve the problem I boarded up all the windows with thick ply on the inside and outside. One pair is hinged at the top to open like gull-wings and all pairs are held tight with 4 long steel bolts.

I've also installed a dusk-til-dawn light on the front of the shed so the garden is illuminated at all times. I haven't had any problems since.

Escudo":2l5m6xn5 said:
I realise now how Tony Martin felt. (I think that was his name)

Yes, that was his name, he was a small scale farmer nearing retirement and living in an isolated farmhouse in Norfolk. He had been done several times before and when the two thieves returned to do him yet again he fired his shotgun at one of them in the dark as he came downstairs, one of the thieves latter died.

Farmer Martin subsequently appeared in court, charged with manslaughter, and was given a prison sentance (I think it was 5 years)

Tony Martins big mistake was telling the truth, had he said he was not aiming at the thief and only wanted to fire over his head to frighten him he would have likely got off with a much more lenient sentance. People should know that Martin was not an eloquent man, he didn't have a high IQ and he also thought that he should say what was in his mind as came down those stairs in the dark.

What really got my goat was that the second thief, (a well known criminal with a list of convictions as long as your arm) was injured and was allowed and encouraged by the slimy legal fraternity to bring a case for 'loss of earnings' and something else. 'Tho thakfully it never got to a full trial, IIRC it was dismissed at a pre-trial hearing.

On another forum someone had the affrontry to say I was not being very 'moral' in saying Martin should have lied in court, but what the heck, we all know the criminals (And their slimy lawyer friends) lie and lie and lie in court, anything that cannot be proved with forensics is just lied about, so why shouldn't farmer Martin lie :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
Agreed Losos.

And if the police are not going to pursue the criminals who break in, the householder should be allowed to be armed greater than the thief who enters.

~Therefore householder should have weapons such as Tony Martins and be encourage to use them.
After all its no good taking on a burglar with a frying pan.

Should get some bloods going :)
After all its no good taking on a burglar with a frying pan.

I dunno I wouldn't like to get smacked round the head with my missus' cast iron frying pan...and it's been close at times :)

I don't see a problem in telling a "version" of the truth that balances the moral high ground to it's rightful place. After all in the cold light of day I don't expect he really wanted to kill anyone, when he said he did, it's much the same as anyone who gets angry might say "I'll kill the little ****," same stupid mistake as dipsticks at airports mentioning "bomb" .

Thanks for the replies,but i dont want to hijack Mailees thread
so i'll start a new one.
Sorry Mailee. :wink:
DW, if all home owners were armed and were legally allowed to use them, this could open up a real can of worms, for example:

You want to get 'rid' of someone, so you envite them into your home, shoot them, phone the police and 'tell' them that they were trying to rob you.

Or, your tired and half asleep, someone who is not a burgler comes into your home, maybe it's a carer or a family member, it's dark you think your getting burgled, you shoot and kill an innocent person..

You son/daughter young family member gets into trouble, they gain access to your shotgun and all kinds of trouble ensues.

Your young family member has a party, gets drunk, starts mucking about with the gun, it goes off, a friend gets killed.

In short, I agree that we should have more powers to defend ourselves against burglers, I just don't think this is it.
ByronBlack":s0mqim6n said:
DW, if all home owners were armed and were legally allowed to use them, this could open up a real can of worms, for example:

You want to get 'rid' of someone, so you envite them into your home, shoot them, phone the police and 'tell' them that they were trying to rob you.

Or, your tired and half asleep, someone who is not a burgler comes into your home, maybe it's a carer or a family member, it's dark you think your getting burgled, you shoot and kill an innocent person..

You son/daughter young family member gets into trouble, they gain access to your shotgun and all kinds of trouble ensues.

Your young family member has a party, gets drunk, starts mucking about with the gun, it goes off, a friend gets killed.

In short, I agree that we should have more powers to defend ourselves against burglers, I just don't think this is it.

Or a very large bloke breaks into your house and threatens you with a knife

Or a gang of drug crazed kids break in while you and your family are asleep

Or you wake up and hear some evil sod trying to rape your daughter?

Mmmm...gun or no let me see now.
I know an american who has a winchester rifle under the bed, never had any trouble with burglars :)

I agree with the American way, quickest on the draw wins, you stay alive that way.

Remember I posted a news report that the police took no action on 2 million burglaries and theft, so how do you defend yourself against the criminal, they appear to be shooting quite frequently these days.
Shows prohibition doesn't work.
devonwoody":2lsb2lcr said:
I agree with the American way, quickest on the draw wins, you stay alive that way.

Suvival of the fittest? God help the old and infirm then.
DW wrote -
And if the police are not going to pursue the criminals who break in, the householder should be allowed to be armed greater than the thief who enters.

Just had a trawl thru' this thread and I simply can't believe that some people here are actually advocating the widespread ownership and use of handguns and rifles (if that's how I'm reading it :? ) Whilst I greatly sympathize with those forum members who have had break-ins, the use of a lethal firearm cannot be condoned under any circumstances in my view and keeping them at home under your bed is probably one of the daftest things I've ever heard of.
The problems lie with the society that we live in and keeping firearms at home isn't going to solve that one, we should be striving to find ways to remove weaponry rather than encourage it's proliferation.
Interestingly, Switzerland has more guns per head of population at home than any other country in the world (tho' may be wrong there) but don't seem to suffer from the sort of gun related crime that we see at the present time in the UK...
- Rob
Roger Sinden":2qidoem1 said:
Or a very large bloke breaks into your house and threatens you with a knife

Or a gang of drug crazed kids break in while you and your family are asleep

Mmmm...gun or no let me see now.

and this happens to you on a regular basis?