The wife strikes again

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Established Member
26 Mar 2008
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She who I was going to ignore for a frotnight went to the tip today to get rid of some rubbish, upon return she said to me " theres some old tat in the back of the car you better get it cleaned up as I am not driving it around in that state", I quickly gave her the brush and pan and told her to go clear up her own mess as I dont drive it that often if at all, and was told it was mine, after a few mins arguing I went to look resigned it was hers but I was going to have to clean it up.

When I opened the boot I found a large box with a lot of old tools in, and 2 large saws :D , spear and j and another with no name ( too rusty if its there)but split nuts on and a design on the handle, it also has a sloped back. a few LARGE files with LNER on them, and a coping saw frame, also a mahogany oilstone case with old stone in, and other bits n bobs,some woman was dumping them and she asked for them, under all this she had hidden a S&J tooth setter she got from the local tool shop.

Guess she was feeling guilty about the thicknesser, but it was a nice surprise, I am now de rusting it all. I love getting old rusty tools to clean up, saves me a lot of money.

Anyone know where i can get wsome split nuts etc for the hqandle of the S&J as i need to take it off to clean it but its riveted.
Its sunny and a good day today.