due to unforeseen events I ended up in hospital last week wired up to lots of different monitors :? i spent a miserable few hours laying doing nothing, then i found that you could could get on the internet so this i did straight to the forum .What a diffrents it made it was like being back amonst old friends and some new ones and it was the best tonic going. I,m back home now thank God it was only a mild warning slow down at work so i,m told :? but should be back to normal soon so once again many thanks to all all of you and all the staff at poole hospital and my wife
See what happens when you get too much exposure to Philly's workshop and tools!
There is probably a medical term for it somewhere.
Seriously glad to hear you are back home , do take it easy and rest up.
Best Regards
Glad you won that one Martyn2.
Like they say take everything with a little "Moderation", I'm sure that the new recruits will do their best to keep you amused and firing on all cylinders.
The doctors are right - too much hustle and bustle just wears you out prematurely. Take things easy and hang around the forum longer. It's good to have you around.
Hi martyn, glad you got over this little scare OK and glad the forum helped - I know what you mean about the friendly 'faces', when I had my tumour removed the support on here really helped