Tea or Coffee?


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Brad Naylor":2nek1jud said:
Tea of course. <snippage> Coffee's for southerners and foreigners.
As a southerner qualifying as a foreigner by dint of living in Cornwall but not being Cornish, I drink tea. :p Big mug at breakfast, maybe one around teatime, that's it. Might partake of a nearly-black coffee after a meal out once in a while. Never been one for sugar - one of the few dietary vices I don't indulge in... :oops:

Cheers, Alf
Friday night , Sat night

2" scotch in a pint glass topped up with coke :p

really look forward to Friday nights

Yikes :shock: :shock: :shock:

Its Friday today

see ya :lol:
Two cups of coffee in the morning - made by coffee fiend wife and then mainly water for the rest of the day (about 8-10 pints generally - I'm a good boy on water drinking). Only tea I like is Earl Grey and rarely make my own.


I love tea and coffee. To me, instant coffee and the "real thing" are two different drinks. So I have THREE options! :lol:
I drink a minimum of two cups of tea a day, plus maybe four coffees. And if I'm in a clients home who is looking after me double that.
I used to work in a restaurant. Twelve plus cups of coffee a day (plus the Kit-Kats!!). Used to have great "fun" going cold-turkey every few months and giving it up. When coffee has zero effect it is good to have a break.
Don't get me started on booze.......... :lol: :lol:
Philly :D
Alf wrote:
one of the few dietary vices I don't indulge in
....come on then Alf, time to divulge all :wink: :D

Philly wrote:
Don't get me started on booze
.....and why not, its Friday night, the weekend (workshop time) beckons so it must be Mr JD time? :lol: - Rob
Brad Naylor":2dkamsjt said:
Tea of course.

The colour of oxtail soup with no sugar. About 10 mugs a day.

Coffee's for southerners and foreigners.


Just a simple, latte with jersey cow semi skimmed milk, lightly topped with a dusting of dark cocoa powder, whipped cream on top, whisked not stirred, with toasted chopped hazlenuts on top.

Simple, who says us southerners are soft, whoops just chipped a nail :oops:
Tea by a rule but I recently had a mug of coffee from a motorway services where they squirted some caramel type gloop in it and it was delightfull!!!

Tea throughout the day - strong enough to dissolve the enamel off your teeth (OK just strong then) - with milk but no sugar - and always in a mug (none of your tasteless dishwater served in china cups).

SWMBO hates tea and I dislike the taste and smell of instant coffee.


Depends on location, if I am in the UK then TEA strong and with full cream milk please. If at a clients ( in Europe ) then coffee strong , coffee milk and maybe 1 sugar :D
If I am at home working then its a mmix of REAL Tea and REAL Coffee through the whole day about 2 pots of coffee and 2 pots of tea.
So my intake is in the area of 3 llitres Coffee and 3 litres of tea so I reckon my fluid intake is ok :wink:

HS back in Germany - had enough of boats :?
A mug of real coffee first thing in the morning -black with sugar
Then depending on how the mood takes me any of the following several times a day ... green tea, white tea, licorice tea, chai, mint tea, echinaccea tea - all black without sugar but some of them with honey, and sometimes with soy milk in the chai

I only drink coffee, black, no sugar and made in a cafeteria if there is a choice.

I don’t like tea, not even the smell of it. :shock:
Tea real strong in a mug so you can stand your spoon up in it, sugar at work sweetener's at home
one when I get up
one on the way to work
one when I get to work
one when the lads get in
one at 11
a flask at diner about one and a half mug's
one when I get back to work
one at 4
two when I get in at 6
two at 8
two at 10
no wonder I am in the toilet all day :oops: :lol: :lol:
About time I posted to this one having read it a couple of times now. I drink coffee in abundance while I am working. Strong just a hint of milk, and two sugers. I think my veins are full of caffiene. I think that could explain why I visit the toilet a lot too. :oops:
Coffee Coffee Coffee gotta go kettle is just coming to the boil again Mmmmm \:D/
Gotta get off coffee :shock:
Gotta get off coffee :shock:
Gotta get off coffee :shock:
Gotta get off coffee :shock:

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