Table saw fence out of true. - Axminster Trade Series AW10BS

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25 Jun 2015
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I have the Axminster Trade Series AW10BSB2 table saw and the fence that is supplied with it. When cutting using the fence I noticed that it is not always at a true 90 degree. This is because it is able to pivot from the end with the setting handle. There is a little wiggle room in the trough in which it slides. I am unsure as to why this is only just apparent but no amount of fettling will resolve he pivot because the adjustments are all on the slide.

In a state of bewilderment. Obviously missing something obvious. Please help.

The fence shouldn't pivot, because when you clamp the handle down it should lock the fence runner to the rail (and thus 90 degrees), regardless of any play when unlocked.

Have you adjusted the bolt at the opposite end of the fence? This controls at what point the far side locks. If it locks too soon, it can counteract the near side. If it doesn't lock fully, the fence can deflect.

As for the play in the fence runner, I have a complex and high tech solution to that problem:

Get some electrical tape, and slap it on the inside of the runner. :D