Social distancing, .. what's that?

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Just a small sample, at any moment the local council deems necessary they can shut down your business and you have no legal recourse, no compensation and no right to appeal.
You can be fined for not wearing a face mask.
You can be forcibly detained at your home.
Your child can be removed from school and tested forcibly.
They have always been able to all of the above if they so wished. Nothing has changed
You need to stay in your bedroom. You are one of those people who seem to have been waiting for years for the apocalypse. Statistics from people much cleverer than you are adding flesh to the bones of this all the time
Seem to recall you posting rubbish on other threads a while back and spouting complete nonsense. Still doing it, I see. Ease up on the Ad Hominem attacks, doesn't put you in a very good light. Easy enough to put you on Ignore.
are you aware of the powers that local government actually has over your day to day life? You will be deeply saddened at the power we let them have.
The issue is not how much power they have over us, but how they use it.

General public and individuals deserve protection from those who would unreasonably abuse their rights and freedoms. Without legal structure the individual or group response could quickly escalate to violence or riot.

Riot and civil unrest would be a less atttractive outcome than the reasonable use of legal powers by the local authority.

The question is therefore - do they use those powers generally with judgement and discretion, and what remedy is there if those powers are misused.
Seem to recall you posting rubbish on other threads a while back and spouting complete nonsense. Still doing it, I see. Ease up on the Ad Hominem attacks, doesn't put you in a very good light. Easy enough to put you on Ignore.

No I argued the information. I'm not making an attack. You need to stay inside to protect yourself
The issue is not how much power they have over us, but how they use it.

General public and individuals deserve protection from those who would unreasonably abuse their rights and freedoms. Without legal structure the individual or group response could quickly escalate to violence or riot.

Riot and civil unrest would be a less atttractive outcome than the reasonable use of legal powers by the local authority.

The question is therefore - do they use those powers generally with judgement and discretion, and what remedy is there if those powers are misused.
My God I despair 😮 I and others like me are the general public and I need protection from wokism who want to turn the world into China. Oliver Cromwell would be turning in his grave.
What is unreasonable about going out of your home when you want?
What's unreasonable about wanting to run your business?
What's unreasonable to want to go see your Mother, and kids see their grandparents?
What's unreasonable about a mother and sister wanting to be at her sons hospital bed as he draws his last breath?
There is no scientific evidence to back up the draconian measures we have had imposed on us. Sweden didn't do lockdown, fact ! and they are no worse off than us health wise but far better off financially.
Viruses are everywhere seek out Zach Bush, he's an expert and has no agenda. He's an interesting guy. The only true way out of this situation is natural herd immunity, once we have had the virus you won't get it again, the body is then full of antibodies to stop it reoccurring. The WHO and the rest of the gates cabal are lying to us, they are all about a vaccine that's all this is about. You have Neil Ferguson of imperial college scaring the bejesus out of the west with 500,000 UK deaths and 2m USA deaths yet he can break the rules to go carry out his affair with a married woman, the Scottish health leader telling Scots to stay at home, save lives, yet she can do as she likes and break her own rules. Nancy Pelosi keeping businesses closed except when she needs a hair cut. Example after example shows how the authorities use their power. Shake off your cognitive dissidence and open your eyes to the possibility that their is something stinking really bad.
Check out corbetreport/gates its not a conspiracy theory its fact no lizards no accusations draw your own conclusion.
Check out Eugenics.
Check out who funded the Wuhan lab with millions of us taxpayers dollars stand up Mr Anthony Faucci
There is so much behind what's going on.
We were taken to war on lies where countless people died and injured the knock on effect is still in effect today in Syria and all over the world. Refugees risking all crossing the channel in rubber dinghies by the hundreds daily. I don't trust the powers that be one bit. Its those that are putting us at risk not Joe blogs not wearing a useless face mask.
All the evidence is showing this is no more deadly a disease than the flu. It's trend is like the flu dropping off in summer. I am dreading the winter by November all hell will break loose and then the vaccine will magically appear anyone willing to offer odds I'm all in.
Once you take the vaccine you will then have to take more and more I bet you. But I won't be taking it and why should I have to. The only people in danger would be others who choose not to be vaccinated if the vaccine works so the case for mandatory vaccination is bogus.
Check out Robert f Kennedy jnr and his take on vaccines he's not a nutcase. He's just got n annoying voice.
Too many drs are being silenced too many peoples reputations are being ruined because they speak out. The political class cannot be trusted they are owned by those with money. They are educated at places owned by big money its a racket.
Society has become like sheep without need of the sheepdog the sheep police the sheep. social media is full of sheep attacking other sheep even jk Rowling gets cancelled for saying women have periods. People getting cancelled is fascism and Fascist's no longer run about clicking their heels and saluting or wearing white robes and burning crosses. Its everywhere and clear as day in all social media platforms. Google Facebook twitter linked in censoring anyone with a different view to their narrative. Patreon closing accounts overnight and refusing to hand over money to the account holder. Ryan Dawson check him out a great journalist independent politically, investigated Epstein for 15 years shut down by google YT et all had his patron account closed overnight and thousands withheld. Freedom of speech is fundamental in any democracy I may not agree with 90% of people on this forum but I will defend your right to be able to say it.
The world is being lied to I truly believe it. Don't abuse my thinking don't mock me prove me wrong were running out of time by winter we will be micro chipped if we don't do something now.
Have a nice day everyone
I have been a data scientist/bioinformatician working with genomics and high throughput sequencing data for the last decade so I really need some more than a conspiracy documentary to believe in any of what you have just posted.

You just know that posts that start off like this are going to be a great read.
My God I despair 😮 I and others like me are the general public and I need protection from wokism who want to turn the world into China. Oliver Cromwell would be turning in his grave.

OK this is complex but I'll try and boil it down. People dislike China because they don't hold much regard for human rights. OK that's their choice. The concept of sovereignty has been around for the best part of 4 centuries now - people give up some of their freedom to a sovereign body in return for "security".

Back in the day, security meant avoiding being invaded and killed. These days...well that sort of behaviour is rare - in fact most of the invasions seem to be done by our "friends" across the pond. China sees its role as giving security in terms of economic benefits, i.e. you'll not be poor and we'll make sure you live a good life - although yes we'll read all your emails and stick you in prison if you say anything we don't like. That's the trade-off in Chinese society. In the West we like to mouth off against the government, but vote en masse for parties who make large portions of society poor. They also read our emails.

I would argue that SIngapore's semi-authoritarian model is actually far superior to anything we have in the West, and it's what China based their model on.

Wanting a disproportionate amount of freedom suggests to me that people are doing things they shouldn't be doing, and don't want to get caught.
Wanting a disproportionate amount of freedom suggests to me that people are doing things they shouldn't be doing, and don't want to get caught.

I worry about the future when I hear people say things like this, the old "nothing to hide nothing to fear" argument.
Whenever you want to write a really long post about China, freedom, woke, eugenics, plague, economics and (shhhh politics) say very quickly "would Edward Woodward do this, I only would if Edward Woodward would". This will remind us that this forum is about wood. 😂
I worry about the future when I hear people say things like this, the old "nothing to hide nothing to fear" argument.

Except it's true. What of my life is hidden now? I'm subject to CCTV whereever I go, my financial history is entirely electronic, my communications are all logged. Do I *really* have privacy? Of course not. If GCHQ wants to check what anyone is doing, they will. And I'm glad for it.
Do you know why Edward Woodwood had all those D's in his name?

Because otherwise he would have been called Ewar Woowoo.
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