Scheppach Plana 3.0 Planer & Thicknesser Combination.

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14 May 2022
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I have a Scheppach Plana 3.0 Planer & Thicknesser Combination, bought in 2006.

The rubber rollers need replacing... (the feeder drive's feeding pressure is messed up),. It's as if the rollers aren't pushing down with an enough force. I think it best just to buy new rollers as well as fix the feeder tension pressure... and while I'm at it, replace the cutter block with a helix cutter.

What helix cutters can be put into my Scheppach Planer & Thicknesser?
There must be roller reconditioning companies in New Zealand. Yup there are. Here is a couple.
You send them the old rollers and they will recast them with polyurethane and regrind it to the proper size. Unless the old rollers are completely bagged the ends will be pretty much the manufactured size. Here they are at least half of what new ones, assuming they are still available, cost.

These people may have made some in the past and can whip up a new one fairly quick and send it direct to you from the factory in Asia. Search - Scheppach. If they haven't made it before you measure the existing head, send them the dimensions and they will make it.

Excellent, couldn't be better.
There must be roller reconditioning companies in New Zealand. Yup there are. Here is a couple.
You send them the old rollers and they will recast them with polyurethane and regrind it to the proper size. Unless the old rollers are completely bagged the ends will be pretty much the manufactured size. Here they are at least half of what new ones, assuming they are still available, cost.

These people may have made some in the past and can whip up a new one fairly quick and send it direct to you from the factory in Asia. Search - Scheppach. If they haven't made it before you measure the existing head, send them the dimensions and they will make it.

Excellent, couldn't be better.

What about other parts, like springs and cogs? Where best to get them from?
Search for them. 😉 You are local so should get better hits than I can. If they don't have them they would know where you could try.
Cogs? I assume you mean gears. machine shop that makes gears can measure the ones you need and tell you what tooth shapes you need and where to get them if they are a stock item and make them if a specialty gear. getting them made won't be cheap. You sure you need new ones?

I have a Scheppach Plana 3.0 Planer & Thicknesser Combination, bought in 2006.

The rubber rollers need replacing... (the feeder drive's feeding pressure is messed up),. It's as if the rollers aren't pushing down with an enough force. I think it best just to buy new rollers as well as fix the feeder tension pressure... and while I'm at it, replace the cutter block with a helix cutter.

What helix cutters can be put into my Scheppach Planer & Thicknesser?
Spiral Cutterhead for Scheppach HMS 2600 Planer thicknesser| Sheartak
It is installed with 55 carbide inserts on 5 spirals. Extra five inserts and screws are provided free as spare parts.