Rock Salt

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15 Mar 2020
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It's my 8th wedding anniversary coming up and I have the idea to try to wood turn rock salt into a bowl. Has anybody got any experience with such a thing? It looks soft enough to turn, I'm just hoping it's hard enough not to disintegrate.
How about some quality alabaster instead. That will turn with woodturning tools and you won't cover your lathe with salt.

Cough, cough!
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Thanks for the suggestion Adam. That's definitely a medium that I'll consider in the future, but it doesn't come close enough to being salt for this project.

I gave it a go and on the second attempt (the first scattered itself across my workshop) I've got something rudimentary that'll do.

I'm quite pleased with it. I doubt it'll last long, and I have no idea what purpose it has, other than a curiosity, but there we go :).

The following morning I discovered what covering your workshop in salt does, as now every single surface isn't just salty, but wet and salty, as the salt drew the moisture out of the air. This is going to be fun to clean up 🙄.