Reinstating my Coronet Major - Maroon model

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Established Member
10 Mar 2007
Reaction score
West Muddylands
Hi folks.

I bought my Coronet in 1971 as a combination woodwork machine.
I have to be honest and say that, whilst Grandfather showed me the basics when I was a teen, I don't consider myself a turner. The most ambitious project I ever did was a pair of Indian Clubs for a Physical Trainer friend.

My machine is dismantled at present having made way for the MFT and track saw, etc., but I am ready to reassemble the basic lathe, with the basic lathe parts, outside turning attachment and swivelling head-stock. Now that I won't need to consider the table saw attachment height, how high should the centre-height be in relation to my body?

Thanks in anticipation

John (hammer)
The starting point is elbow height, but just above or below because otherwise you can be guaranteed to jab your elbow on it!

Some people find that a bit low and that it involves a bit of backache. A system where you can raise or lower it before fixing permanently in place would be best.
Depending on what you want to turn can make the difference to the centre height. If you intend to do a lot of hollow forms in the future then 2" above elbow height is ideal
Mine is about 3" above my elbow height. Needed a duckboard when another turner, who is somewhat shorter than me, had great difficulty in keeping the scraper horizontal. Luckily I put a bevel on the top face making it negative rake which is much more forgiving.
I have a basic manual & a catalogue showing all the extras & different layouts. If you want a copy PM me your email.
Thanks folks.

I think I have that sorted now. As for backing my elbow onto the tail stock, I did that once in the distant past . :twisted:

The revolving centre was in place, and after that unpleasant experience I always dropped the tail stock down when face turning, it's kind of a habit now. The lathe bed is a 48" length of 2.5" (?) diameter round bar steel, so it's a simple matter to rotate the gubbins out of harm's way!
To raise or lower the centre height, I would need to have the bench-top completely moveable and lift the whole bed at once, as everything is attached to the bed. I suppose it could be done but it seems a bit extreme.

Thanks again

John (hammer)
Benchwayze":1pw7n2b9 said:
The lathe bed is a 48" length of 2.5" (?) diameter round bar steel, so it's a simple matter to rotate the gubbins out of harm's way!

Sorry to divert this thread but a question , if I may. Is there any way that the tailstock can easily be aligned with the headstock? Centre to centre of course. This sort of thing fascinates me.
(hammer) Yes
It's the way the lathe just is ! :)

There's a locking, spring-loaded lever on the tail stock. The lever locates in a channel milled in the bed, and when it is locked, the two centres are in perfect alignment. The centres need to be accurately made of course, but mine were, so no problem. Loosen the lever and the tail-stock can slide along the bed to any position, and be locked by letting go of the lever. You can also rotate the whole stock so it's below the level of the bed, and out of the way of your trailing elbow when face turning.

John (hammer)

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