Rabbit ideas?....Help please!!.


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Established Member
29 Oct 2012
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Hello all, been a while since I've been on. I have been asked to make 2 Rabbits ( animal variety! ) to hang on the side of the ladies rabbit hutch. Now, I have a very vague idea of how I may begin to turn this but I am not a wood carver, nor do I posess any wood carving tools, well, apart from the usual chisels etc that are lurking somewhere in my garage.

Do any of you good people have any ideas or knowledge of how to turn or part turn a wooden rabbit?. I was thinking head & body but there it ends!.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!.
You could have oval ears. Then drill into the head and sink ears in slightly?
Oval or ball tail maybe with some detail on it.
Two discs for feet with toe outline grooved by hand?

It wouldn't look like a conventional rabbit though.
How about looking for a silhouette and breaking it down into disks, ovals, spindles. Depending how you do it, ovals could be sliced in half for ears to give a rounded front or back.
If you look in Scroll saw section there may be some patterns you could use. good luck, put some pic's up when done I would like to see what you came up with.
IF you can draw an acceptable rabbit shape from circles...

1. split your blanks down the centre insert a sheet of paper and glue them back together.
2. turn various balls and cigars with the join in a suitable direction
3. carefully split down paper join with sharp chisel and
4. assemble as two separate wabbits that will be flat on the back to be wall mounted

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nev":mvfbykh5 said:
IF you can draw an acceptable rabbit shape from circles...

1. split your blanks down the centre insert a sheet of paper and glue them back together.
2. turn various balls and cigars with the join in a suitable direction
3. carefully split down paper join with sharp chisel and
4. assemble as two separate wabbits that will be flat on the back to be wall mounted

That explains what I meant rather better.
Thanks chaps!, some very good ideas there. I will post pics hopefully to show you how I've got on but I've been saying this for a while!, iPhone + pics = massive headache & high stress levels & no pics posted!.
Passing an open market in Stirling couple of days ago, older couple selling wooden items from a stall. These items where all made from small thin disks glued together with spacers to give depth and 3d shape. I was quite impressed and not a little amazed at the range of items made this way. They its fair to say are not my cup of tea but I appreciate the work and skill required to produce them And yes they had several different styles of rabbits as well as aircraft tanks dinosaurs, christmas trees / flowers etc.
Anyone else seen these?


So, my 1st effort @ a rabbit. Basically, body, head, arms & ears all turned. Legs stumped me so carved those out, quite roughly. All done from sycamore. I'm fairly pleased with it but like I say its a rough 1st attempt.
Trying to post a profile pic so you can his tail but I'm having a fight with it @ the mo, completely amazed that I've managed to post a pic after a year of trying!. Sorry about so many posts, keep forgetting to write things down in my excitement!. The legs & arms move as it's meant to hang on the side of a rabbit hutch & I thought it might work a little better if they flapped around. I'm not 100% happy with it as I know I can do better such as the body is the wrong shape & I'm not keen on the legs. However, any views or suggestions more than welcome!,


As you can see, brass pins used to attach legs & arms.


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Nice One Al Why not oak or did U offload a job lot to some old geezer......as I remember so I like it matey
Ha ha, yeah bill, reckon I'll have a bash with a bit of oak actually, bizarrely & much to my amazement, I've had another order for one!. Hope you are gettin on with that oak!, I know the rocket fuel you left behind went down very well!. Thanks for the comment, I think I'll be overloading the site with pics now I've figured it out!.
I like that :)
May I suggest that you make the top half of the legs more circular as at the moment they look a bit like a teddy bears legs. A circular shape will make them look more like the hind legs of a rabbit. overall I think any child would love it. Well done
Hi procell, I was wondering as to the shape of the legs, you are absolutely right, they look teddy bearish. I like the idea of the rounded top, it makes sense!.

Thanks for the response, just what I'm after!.