Plywood offcut wanted

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John Brown

Freeloading Social media influenza
25 Sep 2008
Reaction score
Stinchcombe, Gloucestershire
I was hoping to make one of these:

but don't seem to be able to find a supplier of birch ply round these parts who sell anything other than whole sheets(or possibly half sheets). So I wondered if anyone local has a 600 by 600 by 12mm offcut, with one of the original right angles intact that I could buy.
novocaine":2xg1y92c said:
a decent flat piece of construction ply will be more than up to it for the base.
+1 - or MDF, to be honest. Wickes do quarter-sheets of 12mm hardwood ply & MDF - not Birch, though, and not MR MDF.

Biggest offcut of 12mm Birch Ply that I don't have plans for right now is around 550 x 700 - you're welcome to that, if you can collect.

Cheers, Pete
There are various sellers on eBay that supply small sizes of birch ply. It is a relatively expensive (in £/sq ft terms) way to buy it, but useful if you just need a small piece.

OK, so I have bough a piece of 12mm MDF, 2' x 4'

The mitre jig in the linked youtube video is basically a large right angled triangle wit a slightly smaller on on top of it.
I uunderstand the principle that, as long as the right angle is accurate, mitres cut one each side should mate perfectly(or as good as, if too far out you'd still get a right angled joint, but the length of the diagonal cut would differ). It also seems to me that making sure the parallel sides of a picture frame are exactly the same length is equally important, and to that end I am trying to think of the simplest way of implementing an adjustable stop block on one side of the jig. The simplest solution I can think of would involve routing a stepped or v-shaped slot from the underside of the larger triangle, and using a screw and wingnut to secure a block. The drawback with this is that it would limit the length of the stock to around 2 feet. All the methods I've considered for extending this range seem over-complicated, so I wonder if any of you clever chaps have any useful hints.

Thanks in advance,

John Brown":1ebfk2yn said:
I was wondering about MDF. These Americans all seem to use birch ply for everything. Probably a lot cheaper over there.

IIRC, mdf is not banned in the States, but regarded with quite some degree of caution.
Apart from which, in that youtube video(I think) he talks about getting a 2 feet square piece of 1/2 inch ply for $6.99, which is about 4 or five pounds.
Didn't know that MDF was frowned upon in the states, though. They certainly seem to be OK with OSB.