What wood did you make them out of? i got a load of old science benches in my back garden for years and i couldnt think of what to make with the teak, so i opted for planters. Make 16 of them and gave them all away as gifts to friends and family. Was good fun.
I based them on the idea of holding 10 plants in 6" pots, grown on in the greenhouse and moved out when ready, but this year I'm converting them to just hold compost so I'll be able to plant into them directly.
Thanks for the replies and comments, the planters where made out of treated soft wood, they were left bare so they could be stained or painted to peoples requirements.
Great looking planters. Nanscombe and Kinsella, also like the staging Nans could do with something like that in my glasshouse. (Thats the tidiest glasshouse I've ever seen, mine is currently a dumping ground - It's just been a storage area for the last few years)
I will try and get a close up sorted for you shortly anderonec. (I will edit this message)
And there is a reason for that too. 8) Before I made the staging, to replace some old aluminium stuff, I built some shelving.
They were created as an open framework large enough to take the old aluminium staging trays but I later infilled the front frames to make them in to doors.
In the background is a potting bench I made to go with the staging.
With some crude planters I made several years ago that were to contain things like Hostas that were prone to winter frost damage I lined the insides with 50mm Polystyrene and thick gauge polythene. (building work leftovers)
Reduced the frost damage to roots and reduced the soil moisture contact with the planters. Some still going strong after 15+ years and a couple of soil changes.