PayPal or izettle or a different mobile card terminal

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Established Member
13 Sep 2007
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Northern Ireland
Just wondering if anyone has any experience of using the PayPal or izettle card readers for taking payments? Or if you just use a terminal from a bank?


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A card reader from your bank will cost you at least £500 a year plus a percentage of each transaction so unless you will be taking a lot of card payments it is not cost efficient.

The other systems which can be used on either a phone or a tablet are very cheap to set up and run The cost of the reader range from £30 up to about £80 depending on which system you choose and which version of the reader, where there is a choice. The only other cost is a percentage of each sale this is about 3%. These systems are great if you only do occasional card transactions but make sure it works with your phone or tablet.

The 3 best systems on the market are


Worldpay Zinc

Paypal here ... %20Here_(E)&creative=89296068209&matchtype=e&PID2=TYrv5xBb&network=g&adposition=1t1&target=&devicemodel=&campaign=UK_EN_PPH_TM_Desktop_PayPal%20Here_(E)&adtype=&geo_region=&geo_country=&ct=[program]&act=[account]&obj=[objective]&ch=[campaigntype]&tt=[tm]&mv=google&PID1=sTYrv5xBb|dc;89296068209;paypal%20here;e;;eu84e2fpi0&gclid=Cj0KEQjwwYK8BRC0ta6LhOPC0v0BEiQApv6jYVSu3MQbipno-SwaZ-NzytW-vocXeMZ9nat_L5hdrSYaAiHx8P8HAQ&mpch=ads&rftp=4&srce=cnvr&ercc=27728-205828-8030-2&spid=878803441363724270

I use both Worldpay and Paypal and I know a lot of people who use Izettle and they are pretty much all the same. The only real plus with paypal is that it works on a standard phone signal, GPRS, where Worldpay and Izettle need at least 3G or Wifi to work which is why I have both paypal and worldpay but I prefer Worldpay.

I have a fixed terminal which costs around £240 a year to rent. I also have an izettle for emergency use if the broadband fails or for anyone who insists on paying by Amex. It works really well and if the charges were anywhere near the fixed terminal costs then I'd use it all the time.
I use the PayPal Here card reader. With the latest machine you have the tap and go contactless payment option for goods under £30 GBP in value. Some of what I make I sell to my workmates and the tap and go option is popular as they don't need to go fiddling around for cash. As long as their bank card supports contactless payment they can do it. The reader also has a slot for chip and pin payments for any value transactions as well. I think I paid about £50 for my reader.

I chose paypal here because I also sell on Etsy and sometimes Eb*y and paypal can be used for all platforms and for international currency sales so it covers pretty much anything I currently need. Yes, I know they take their cut but it saves me a lot of hassle especially on international currency transactions!

The only problem I had was, at first my old android phone would not support the app software. But after changing my phone to a more updated model it works fine now.