October Challenge ( The RESULTS ) and Criteque / Feedback


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10 Nov 2006
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Boston Lincs
Richard our judge for October has pm'd me the results , so The results are in!!!

Richards first comments " I need to firstly comment on the very high standard of the entries this month, it made my job very difficult!! "

1st - 5 points j1mbr0wn: ( Judges comments ) I loved the originality of the idea, the range of turning involved, how it looked, how it all goes together, balance and proportions, quality of finish. An excellent job, well done!

2nd - 4 points Silverbirch: ( Judges comments ) This just made me smile, this shows a great range of turning, good repeat work, excellent finish, great originallity and I think possibly the most sellable of the entrants. Really good work!

3rd - 3 points Jonzjob: ( Judges comments ) The first of the 2 tractors made to this design. It was tough to choose between them, but I think this one just wins out because of the extra work in the trailer. Fantastic job!

4th - 1 point and highly commented duncanh: ( Judges comments ) Just pipped at the post by jonzjob's tractor. Really can't fault either, I just thought there was a bit more work in jonzjob's, the only reason it came higher ranked. ( Blister will confirm that I did enquire as to whether I could award a joint place award but sadly not :cry: )

5th - 1 point and highly commented Haldane: A lovely tractor toy, beaten by the 2 more complex tractors but a lovely item in it's own right. Possibly more "playable with" than the other two but as a piece of pure turning they just win out. Great use of coloring (well done preventing bleeding!!) nicely proportioned. Well done.

All other entrants receive 1 point

I hope everyone is happy with this. If anyone would like feedback on their work, either on the forum or by PM please drop me a line and I will be happy to offer my thoughts but I would like to re-iterate, because of the high standard of work this month I had to be super critical in my judging.

Well done everyone!!

Happy turning

Critique and Feedback

Firstly I would like to apologise for not entering in October but my last 6 weeks have been manic ( painting decorating clearing out tidying etc etc etc ) as I am up for sale , this has now resulted in a sale of my house and it looks like I will be re locating before Christmas

Now this is over , the last thing to get switched off will be the lathe :wink: so will be in the November and December challenges :mrgreen:

OK back to the October challenge

Thanks to the entrants , I also thought the quality was very good , my favorite was Nev's little race car very 1920's ( The dog liked it as well )

Also loved the youtube clips , I enjoyed viewing :mrgreen:

will get the November R and R up as soon as pos

Thanks again :lol:
I offer my congratulations to all.

Must say my particular favourite was John's tractor, but then again i'm pleased not to have to be the judge. I think being on the manufacturing side is a lot easier!

I agree with Richard's comments. I thought the output this month was superb - just a pity there weren't more of them. The range of entries was good as well.
The new boy did good! =D> especially seeing the amount of work and standard of the other entries. Well done Jim.
Those tractors must have taken an age to make and are far too nice to give to a child!
Thanks to Richard for judging (even though he forgot to mention mine :wink: ) a most difficult month i think :!:
=D> well done to all who entered, I'm gonna have to pull my finger out for next month (and hire a hitman (hammer) ) to get near this years podium.
As an entirely disinterested observer( :roll: ) its fun to see how my votes compare with Richard's.

For me Nev's was first as a toy, same as Blisters' comments. Just so much fun and simple with it. I spy a copy or two coming up for christmas.

Of the others, I would have eliminated any of the entries that weren't 'original' designs. Not because they weren't great but just because I expected them to be designed especially for the competition. Also, they seemed far more 'models' than toys. Nothing personal or any criticism just my expectations.

So the 1st and 2nd become my 2nd and third although reversed and I really loved Haldane's too. Very difficult for the judge as there seemed to be different categories to judge against each other - so well done Richard.

Can't wait to get back on the lathe. The November entry depends on the surgeon. If I'm off my sick bed in time............
amazing pieces, good helpful observation (for others) from the judge.

inspiring (ie great ideas for copying!)

I cannot even start to relate to the work involved in some of those tractors/lorrys.....
I think Richard picked the right toys at the top as they would work for girls and boys. I was pleased with my truck but when I saw the competition I realized I was down about sixth at best. Nev, I really liked your driver, so simple and yet it really worked, and I really liked Haldanes tractor, especially the coloring. Might have to make one, if thats all right. Congrats to the winners and thanks to Richard.
Some cracking entries this month and obviously lots of time and effort expended in the process. Glad I was an entrant and not the judge! That would have been much harder.
Well done Jim - a well deserved first place!
Thanks to Richard for his well considered and thoughtful comments. Reading comments about your own and others' work is really helpful (although I 'm not sure about mine being saleable as Richard suggests - if I was working on an hourly rate I'd have to price it at about £250! ) :shock:

Silverbirch":3vsi3nli said:
(although I 'm not sure about mine being saleable as Richard suggests - if I was working on an hourly rate I'd have to price it at about £250! ) :shock:


As an aside to the thread (sorry not looking to hijack it - honest) Have you ever played the game, when someone is cooing over your work and they say - You should sell these - theyr'e really good .... You do the followup and say - Well ok then how much would YOU be prepared to pay for it. Normally I find myself explaining the price they would pay barely if at all covers the cost of the ingredients. .... and that is why I don't try to make my fortune out of wood!. Those that do need to make a living are better not being handicapped by "hobbyists" selling way too cheaply.

OK I am off the soapbox now.

Carry on
Really chuffed i won this months challenge.

All of the entries were brilliant as far i am concerned and i will be looking copy a few for xmas pressies.

I have only been turning for 5 months and anyone who is in the same position as me being a newbie i hope you all join in future challenges because you will learn to overcome so many different obstacles.

It makes the whole hobby very worthwhile and my own choice for 1st place would have been Jonzjob tractor and trailor, i think i will be having a go at that for both my granddaughters.

Thank you
Very well done Jim! That is not an easy thing to make and you have done a lovely job of it!

5 months? You had better slow down and give us 'oldies' a bit of a chance :shock: :shock:

SilverB. I like your clown and as you say, you can't have a 'brown job' can you. Well done to you too. That is a lot of careful painting too..

All of the entries were very impressive and one thig I would say to Duncan is if/when you get to make the trailer have a look at my WIP on doing mine. The towing arm on the plans is far too weak and I completely changed mine, along with several other parts. After all, a plan is like a recipe. It's a guide, not the law :roll: :roll: There are always variations and the plan is to make sure that you have as many bits as you need too. Better than doing it 'off the cuff' and finding it doesn't work init :mrgreen: 50 odd bits, off the cuff :shock: :shock: :shock:

Thank you for the comments on my entry. I really enjoyed making it :mrgreen:
j1mbr0wn":18w3mtgu said:
Really chuffed i won this months challenge.

All of the entries were brilliant as far i am concerned and i will be looking copy a few for xmas pressies.

I have only been turning for 5 months and anyone who is in the same position as me being a newbie i hope you all join in future challenges because you will learn to overcome so many different obstacles.

It makes the whole hobby very worthwhile and my own choice for 1st place would have been Jonzjob tractor and trailor, i think i will be having a go at that for both my granddaughters.

Thank you

Well done all of you, and especially Jim fo rthe win. I was really impressed with all the entries, as I'm still very much at the wood butchery stage!

Would anyone be offended if we copied any of the designs, or is this taken as read? (Obviously I won't be doing so for some time, though something I would aspire to do in future).


WE? Is this a Chinese copy society I ask myself?

Well I for one would be very upset if you didn't make one of the tractor/trailers that I did and I am sure that I speak for the rest of us?

But, If you end up making several hundred of any of them then I think that we would be asking for a small backhander for the idea :lol: :lol:

Keep on practicing mate, you will get there :mrgreen:
Well done to everyone who entered - 3 worthy winners. I also liked the battle tops.

John - well done for finishing everything in the plan. I don't think I'll be doing the trailor but I'm considering modifying the driver to give fully articulated legs and arms

gregmcateer":3md1zji3 said:
Would anyone be offended if we copied any of the designs, or is this taken as read? (Obviously I won't be doing so for some time, though something I would aspire to do in future).



no worries from me :) i cant say it was my original idea anyway :oops: i started a 3 wheeled version a few days ago like this...

and then thought :idea: put a sail on top and voila! land yacht :idea:
everyone feel free to go for it (hammer)

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