Oak box


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Established Member
28 Apr 2013
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This is the second box I have made.

It is made of quartersawn oak, with a walnut inlay in the lid and a cedar base.


It is about 10 cm high and roughly A4 sized.

It was finished with three coats of Danish oil and then waxed.

I wish I had had more time to do the fabulous wood full justice. I gave myself less than a week as it was a gift for this weekend.

The last two photos show how differently the box looks in varied lighting.

Learning points from this project were give yourself enough time to sort out your cock ups as you are going to make them. I had fun with the mitres on my cheap mitre saw, my TS 200 helped me out big time, I messed up the routing of the base as I cut wide and shallow and not narrow and deep because I had misjudged the orientation on my router table. If I had had the time I would have completely replaced that side. Instead I did a fairly crude patch up.

Having said all that I think not over complicating the design worked.


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When I'm not so busy and I have finished tidying up my little workshop, boxes are what I want to make, so keep the pictures coming, especially WIP pics. Forgot to say, that's a very nice box you have made Tim. =D> =D> =D>

I can never get it into my tired head to push or pull or wind-up in the correct direction...many a near thing as a result. In a quiet moment I am going to put a sticky label on with a clear diagram to make me stop and think each time before I cut....it is usually at the end of the day and tired. A4 is the golden rectangle so should look in good proportion although you don't have to be too exact. A bit of variation seems OK. Nice box and well made by the way. Best wishes
Thank you everyone for the positive feedback.

I like the idea of an orientation reminder on a router table ( I have to do that on my printer for two sided printing) :oops:

My apologies for the lack of WIP but I was not sure I would even finish it on time.