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      Not the table, or the chairs, or the cast iron teapots, or the Lazy Susan or the Wenger style 'pooter desk: Today's main task was...
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      woodbloke52 replied to the thread Japanese Box.
      Having just returned from a trip to Japan, SWIMBO in her infinite wisdom had decided that the exterior of the box looked a bit austere...
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      woodbloke52 replied to the thread Japanese Box.
      It was one of those projects where there were a succession of irritating little problems that took no end of time to correct, so it...
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      woodbloke52 replied to the thread custom chisels ideas please.
      It's not Adrian. You've probably never used a cheap n'nasty Far Eastern thing where the edge folds or crumbles as soon as it's touched...
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      woodbloke52 replied to the thread custom chisels ideas please.
      You must have got a 'Friday Afternoon' set of Richters Adrian!:ROFLMAO: Mine are quite superb and far preferable to Japanese chisels. I...
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      woodbloke52 posted the thread Japanese Box in Projects.
      Can't remember (it's an age thing) if I've posted this before, but apologies if you've seen it before. This is a Japanese style box...
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      woodbloke52 replied to the thread custom chisels ideas please.
      Don't bother making some 'custom' chisels; treat yourself a set of the Narex 'Richter' chisels from Workshop Heaven. I've had and...
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      woodbloke52 replied to the thread Little Box.
      The very same and still mangling wood. Haven't heard from Waka in a long time - Rob
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      woodbloke52 replied to the thread Little Box.
      The veneering was 'awkward' as I wasn't sure how to go about it, so I sliced up the squared branch on the bandsaw into roughly 2mm thick...
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