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Lean into the Curve
19 Aug 2015
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I've been tasked with making a new oak front door. Bit daunting for me tbh. (Don't tell anyone mind). Anyway. Get an old book I thought. I'll have it all to hand and it should suit my tool set up of just a couple of machines. Ahhh but which book? I wanted a proven workable classic.
I realised I needed to ask someone knowledgable, skilled and attractive to ladies. He didn't reply so I asked Trevanion instead. (ARF)
Being the Gentleman and Scholar he is, he suggested 'Joinery and Carpentry' Edited by Andy Greenhalge.
Mustard, I thought and without asking I fired a warning shot over the bows of Ebay.
All pleased with myself I probably called out to the Mrs 'Got that book. It's in the post love. Door has nearly built itself'.
It turned up and I skimmed it. Hmm no doors as such... Actually. No doors at all. None.
Boat stuff. Like proper Boat and Ship joinery in spades. Then some sections that confused my brain on forces and engineering. Then some other sections about building bank furniture and so on if you lived in Victorian London.
I got in touch with Trevanion. Ahhh! There's 6 volumes. Did I not read the book details? Ehhhhmm. Possibly not... exhaustively. 😗*whistles*

Anyway. End result I bought a copy of Volume 2. With Doors in it. Well happy. I'm practically a time served joiner now.

The other book (Volume 6) is in need of going to someone who will appreciate it but ideally I'd like it to a boat builder or someone with a prope active interest. I know there are several on here. Someone who will actually use it or at least appreciate it from an professional/experienced point of view. It's quite dedicated so not sure anyone else will take a lot from it tbh.

It's a fiver on Amazon. My book in this condition. It's an old book. But it's free on ukw.
Yes please!

I can't promise to build a boat, but I will read it and enjoy it. And it will have some good company on the bookshelf. And quite possibly be quoted in answer to questions on here. I'll start a Conversation.
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Well, to be honest... I was kinda hoping you'd just get into boat building instead of becoming the new forum expert on traditional joinery.

I do like what you're doing with it though!
I think you must have misread the thread title Andy. Luckily it mentions anyone called Andy T specifically.

I'd love you to have the book.
You fit the specific criteria of the target audience I was trying to reach! 😬
Even before I didn't edit the title.

Just didn't want what is essentially (and perhaps ironically), a fairly dry read, drifting listless and forlorn of hope of rescue in doldrums, 5 degrees north of the equator in a badly forced maritime comparison to someones bookshelves.

Glad it's going to a worthy home.
If I ever need advice to build a poop deck, rest assured, I shall ask you do your duty.
I was about to reply to Chris in a private conversation, but then I remembered this thread where I can embarrass him in public ...

Just to say, the book arrived today, and what a gem it is! Not only is there all the info I shall ever need about building a new state room on my ship*, I now have diagrams of how to fit it with a cover for the wheel, some stairs that are even better than the ones @MikeG. built, and a 'folding lavatory' - which sounds useful but a little bit risky in rough weather.

On top of that, it even has a section on how to shore up Waterloo Bridge! It's good to be prepared for these little eventualities, so once again Thank you Chris, you're a star! 👍🥇🌠

*Not yet built apparently. 😥
I am very glad you are Happy Mr T. Can't think of anyone who it was more suitable to go to and who would more readily share the knowledge if needed on here.
Funny enough. I remember an old labourer I used to work with telling me a story about boat building many years ago.
He'd had a terrible day on site, the van wouldn't start and he had to hitch home.
Covered in, muck he was surprised when a big Bentley rolled to a stop to give him a lift.
They got chatting and although their situations were very different, they got on well.
Eventually he asked the very well dressed man how he could afford such a nice car.
Through a haze of cuban cigar smoke the man laughed, 'Weeell my dear man. I work for Cunard!"
Well, says my mate. I work F******g Hard too but I can't afford a F****ing Bentley!

You'll have to try harder than that to embarrass me lol.
All the best Andy.
I would love the book as have three old boats to restore and any help in that direction is welcomed.
I would love the book as have three old boats to restore and any help in that direction is welcomed.
I'm afraid you missed out Wildman. Sorry. The copy I linked to in the first post is still available though. well worth it for the price of a couple of pints.

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