Mike Waldt is good as Bob says. I like Robbie the Woodturner too and Sam Angelo at Wyoming Woodturner. Bob Hamilton hasn't posted anything for a while - but there's plenty of his old stuff and I like his very laid back style and accent! Brendan Stemp's pretty good too.
I found the Gary Rance video http://www.garyrance.co.uk/dvd/gary-ran ... iques-dvd/ excellent for teaching the basics to a novice. He's a production turner and very good ! It'll set you back £20 but good value to teach you proper techniques including the skew chisel plus he'll show you how to sharpen freehand without expensive jigs.
Alan Batty videos are awesome - really really clear and expertly described. If you search on here, someone posted up the results of their following his tips (sorry I can't remember who but I'll have a look. Think it was a month or two ago).
Yep - here's the link. It's nearly an hour, but SOOOO worth watching.
PS And here is the earlier thread about it, including wcndave's excellent first practice piece following watching it - I for one am going to find the time to follow dave's good example;