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"The number of people on Universal Credit in employment has remained at around 2.3 million since 10 December 2020. The employment rate has increased for all people on Universal Credit to 42% on 9 December 2021 from 39% on 10 December 2020 as the total number of people on Universal Credit has decreased."
This means that 2.3 million people in full time work are underpaid and their skin flint employers are subsidised by the benefits system.
Lots of information here DWP benefits statistics: February 2021

also a big part of the universal credit 'system' is they are putting people on useless outsourced courses, for example 'how to write a CV', to the point where it's actually patronising, I went to university ffs. I know how to write a CV! When you get onto the course, you are straight away no longer classed as unemployed, this is obviously to make the conservative party look great, and ONS are bending the figures, the REAL numbers are much higher because these people become invisible and are neither unemployed or employed anymore, it needs to be investigated more thoroughly, by an unbiased third party.
You know these threads have run out of steam when people are blaming the ills of society on the unemployed, or boat people bobbing desperately in the channel, or as we saw earlier, "nurses claiming benefits so that they can look after their children part time". (That's a new variation of the "single mothers on benefits" so despised and hated by Daily Mail readers. Makes a change! :unsure:)
But the real blame lies more with those with the power, at the top.
A representative sample here:

Screenshot 2022-10-29 at 08.59.37.png
also a big part of the universal credit 'system' is they are putting people on useless outsourced courses, for example 'how to write a CV', to the point where it's actually patronising, I went to university ffs. I know how to write a CV! When you get onto the course, you are straight away no longer classed as unemployed, this is obviously to make the conservative party look great, and ONS are bending the figures, the REAL numbers are much higher because these people become invisible and are neither unemployed or employed anymore, it needs to be investigated more thoroughly, by an unbiased third party.
I went on two of those CV courses about ten years ago after the contractor I worked for laid off half their engineers as there was no work. Did not learn a much but it may have been helpful to be put in contact with other people who are in the same position as you for a few days. Sitting at home trawling through the internet for jobs, applying and mostly getting no response can be a bit disheartening.

I got a job after I removed my degree and mention of managerial responsibilities from my CV. They did not suggest that on either course.
As unemployment is at recorded low levels, the whole "benefits scroungers" thing is, I assume, now a non issue anyway.

It's boat people who are the cause of all our misery now. They are the cause of my increased mortgage rate.

Remember, it's always those with less than you who are the problem.
I doubt the mail will be reporting much on the conditions at the concentration camp in Kent. They will be reporting that the streets are paved with gold for refugees.

Meanwhile over half of the overseas aid budget is being spent in the UK. There will be less spending on things to help them live in or near their own country.
@julianf there are a lot of people less fortunate than the most bereft in UK society, and again we have really two classes of ‘boat people’, those who have a real claim to be refugee / asylum status and the economic migrants.

However, the larger question is why would anyone wish to place their life in mortal danger and use a small unsafe boat to try and cross the channel to gain access the the UK from a stable, democratic, none discriminatory Europe? In ever case, they will have passed through multiple European countries to arrive at the shores of France before attempting the crossing.

Now, let’s consider France, they like almost every country have laws about illegal access to the country. You either are permitted to reside, visit or have to claim asylum / refugee status or be deported. Now, it would appear that those seeking to cross the channel have not achieved the right to reside in France, or indeed any other European country they have passed through. For what ever reason, France has not deported them, and neither has any of the other European countries they have passed through. Once half way across the channel, they are no longer within the European Union and become subject to UK laws. Now, Europe is not going to allow illegal aligns back into Europe, now that we are no longer part of the EU. So, once they arrive, determining where they are actually from if they either have no papers, or have chosen to not have papers is extremely difficult, especially if your from a war torn state, or a very poor state where records can be none existent. A country is not going to take back an economic migrant unless it’s certain they are actually from the country. So a lot of time and expense is entailed in working out these basic facts, made harder by those who wish to hide their point of origin.

Being for instance gay, or to have turned away from say the Muslim faith can if a person is returned to their homeland make make them subject to persecution, a legitimate reason for a person to seek asylum. However, it’s very difficult to work out if these are genuine claims, or just claims made to gain access to the country as in reality they are economic migrants.

The fall of Iraq has in essence ‘opened the door’ enabling mass migration from Africa to Europe, totally understandable aspirations for many at the very bottom of the economic ladder, more than a few steps down from the worst economic conditions in the UK. However, what tends to be the case is that the fit, young and bright make the journey, this reduces the ability of the poor country to economically develop, this coupled with legitimate migration from these countries of the well educated, such as doctors and nurses is condemning the country to poor economic development. Like most things in life, it’s an extremely difficult problem if it were simple it would have been solved by now.

To put some numbers on it, I understand that this year alone there have been c38,000 people have cross the channel. Average processing time is circa 415 days for an asylum application I believe. Now, let’s assume around a cost of £100 / day / person for the UK Government (accommodation, food, medical care, legal cost, spending money for life etc), that’s approx £1.57 billion to process just these people. That is affecting your interest rate, inflation, and the taxes that you pay
As unemployment is at recorded low levels, the whole "benefits scroungers" thing is, I assume, now a non issue anyway.
You need to look at the reasons behing the figures, low unemployment does not directly relate to high employment. This quote is stating we have people on the fence who are neither employed or unemployed.

" However, the fall in the headline rate came amid a sharp rise in the number of working-age adults classified by statisticians as “economically inactive,” meaning they are neither employed nor looking for work."

The number of people in this group is

" While there are about 1.2 million people unemployed, it said the inactivity rate rose by 0.6 percentage points over the three-month period to 21.7%, with almost 9 million people aged 16-64 economically inactive. "

So although offically the unemployment rate based on benefits has fallen the number of people not employed is still high. Could be just a way for a government to make things look better or has anyone thought about the boomer generation, now approaching retirement and many will be winding down and living off savings until they take their pensions. This will lead to more problems as many used to fill roles that are now vacant and cannot be filled.

None of this answers the question that we have 1.2 million unemployed who could be filling the vacancies, what do you think happens in countries with no benefit system.
Has this problem got worse since we left the EU,

Now, it would appear that those seeking to cross the channel have not achieved the right to reside in France, or indeed any other European country they have passed through. For what ever reason, France has not deported them, and neither has any of the other European countries they have passed through.

Could this just be another french tactic to make us regret leaving the EU, costing us £6.8 million a day for what are mostly economic migrants seeking a more rewarding career in UK crime gangs. The rest of the world must be laughing at us for not just rounding them up and deporting back to place of origin. With this number arriving, once settled then sooner or later we will have turf wars as they claim there patches in our towns and cities.
You know these threads have run out of steam when people are blaming the ills of society on the unemployed, or boat people bobbing desperately in the channel, or as we saw earlier, "nurses claiming benefits so that they can look after their children part time". (That's a new variation of the "single mothers on benefits" so despised and hated by Daily Mail readers. Makes a change! :unsure:)
But the real blame lies more with those with the power, at the top.
A representative sample here:

View attachment 146075

perfect for darts practise! ;)
Has this problem got worse since we left the EU,

Could this just be another french tactic to make us regret leaving the EU, costing us £6.8 million a day for what are mostly economic migrants seeking a more rewarding career in UK crime gangs. The rest of the world must be laughing at us for not just rounding them up and deporting back to place of origin. With this number arriving, once settled then sooner or later we will have turf wars as they claim there patches in our towns and cities.
It does not help the French to have masses of homeless people roaming around northern France. I can't imagine the people of Kent would like them here launching boats to go to France.
People voted to leave the EU and they knew what they were voting for (well they say the did).
You need to read the posts above Jacob. People on courses etc....
You can count people e.g. on courses or other "occupations", as either unemployed or employed, depending on your definition.
Then if you stick to the same definitions then levels of "unemployment" directly relate to levels of "employment".
If you chop and change the definitions then comparing and contrasting becomes less meaningful.
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.... mostly economic migrants seeking a more rewarding career in UK crime gangs. ...
Most economic migrants are looking for work and a normal life just like you and me, and in fact most of them find it. Much the same as UK economic emigrants going to Australia, USA or anywhere.
Mind you you could think of certain offspring of economic migrants e.g. Priti Patel, Suella Braverman, Kwazi Kwarteng, Richi Sunak, as having ended up in a well known criminal gang!
Unemployed is exactly that, out of work but available and seeking employment unlike people at college or in full time education who are not unemployed because they are not available or seeking employment at the current time.
Most economic migrants are looking for work and a normal life just like you and me, and in fact most of them find it. Much the same as UK economic emigrants going to Australia, USA or anywhere.
Mind you you could think of certain offspring of economic migrants e.g. Priti Patel, Suella Braverman, Kwazi Kwarteng, Richi Sunak, as having ended up in a well known criminal gang!

Or, as is the fact consider them coming from commonwealth countries, and a different mode of legal entry to the UK at the time their parents came over.
As unemployment is at recorded low levels, the whole "benefits scroungers" thing is, I assume, now a non issue anyway.

It's boat people who are the cause of all our misery now. They are the cause of my increased mortgage rate.

Remember, it's always those with less than you who are the problem.
Whenever I hear about "boat people" I just can't get this gem out of my head:

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