Marine Tank

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My weakness is planted tanks (and my wildlife enclosure which includes a wildlife pond):




That was my tank before it has to be disassembled for a house move. Just on the cusp of creating a brand new planted tank.
Well thanks for all the information. I guess it's like many things. I love playing golf and watching most forms of motorsport and I can't wait for the TDF to start. Whatever floats your boat.


Hellp Woodbloke

I have a contract with a marine tank supplier and make the base units for his equipment, the most recent one I made was for a ten foot by two foot by three foot tank. It was made of MDF and had a hexagonal front we then sent it of to a chap who repairs porsches and it was sprayed jet black it looked stunning and weighed more than I care to remember.
The biggest problem with these units is the corrosion caused by the salt water from the sump tanks, they play havoc with internal hinges.
Its the blade for a band saw. used for cutting wood :lol:

Give me a while & I'll find the site it came from with more pics of the mill.

DomValente wrote:

The biggest problem with these units is the corrosion caused by the salt water from the sump tanks, they play havoc with internal hinges.

I've recommended to others not to use hinges on marine tanks for doors. Instead use 'rare earth magnets' from APTC which will then crate a completely removable panel, agree tho' about salt water - corrosive stuff - Rob