Mafell orbital sander, anyone tried it?

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Established Member
25 Feb 2009
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West Yorkshire & sometimes London!
I know the Metabo 450 is well liked as an ROS and quite a few of you have one, not seen a negative comment yet about it.

Working in London this week and my sander of 10 years (Bosch Blue when they were prob a proper trade item) has packed in this afternoon. So a purchase is on the cards.

As we all know not one single manufacturer is the best at all stuff so with the exception of cordless (and I'm buying less and less of those now because of battery life and replacement costs but that's another thread for the future) I tend to switch from different manufacturers for different types of tools, probably like most on here.

So before I go and buy a 450 has anyone used or have a Mafell UT150E or similar ROS and if so what do you think of it?

One here ... bital.html

It's roughly the same price as the Metabo, about £20 more and I like Mafell stuff generally so thought I'd ask you guys.

Yes, I used to work for a guy who had one of these and, as far as I can remember, it was pretty much identical to the Metabo SXE450 (which I own and use at home).

With Metabo, you get the option of a three-year warranty. Not sure whether the same applies with Mafell? There's also a slightly newer model of the SXE450 now with a 'Turbo' feature.
I like 'simple and strong' in power tools as 'features' like a turbo thing are generally gimmicks or mean you altering a setting etc to use them. Decent industrial / trade stuff just does it at the design speed so is quicker to use.

These 2 machines are very similar, Mafell is usually made in Germany as is, I think, Metabo. I think they are the same machine under the bonnet with cosmetic differences (although the Mafell is more powerful) so looks like Metabo is offering more 'value' with things like extra guarantee to pull the sale.

My gut feeling is they are from the same factory making the innards, the Mafell is a more powerful version (about 15%, not surehow much difference that would make but it must help)and the mafell is slightly simpler and straightforward.

My gut feeling is the Mafell is the better buy and usually I'd buy Mafell over Metabo. all Mafell stuff lasts well and is regarded as proper trade as well. Problem is the Metabo is a well used and reviewed product here so I know what would be getting and won't be disappointed.

and before anyone thinks what does it matter, just buy one - I have to use my tools daily and I look after them so they last a while. It really p*****s you off when you buy something that isn't quite up to the job or didn't quite spend enough and didn't buy the better item and you use it regularly. So I stopped buying cheap decades ago. Bit like marry in haste and repent at leisure.
I think there's also a very similar looking DeWalt model as well, if you like yellow-looking tools. :p :wink:

I honestly don't think you would be disappointed with either sander... There's no doubting the quality of what Mafell produce, it's probably got more to do with the fact that more people are familiar with the Metabo brand.
I don't know the sander, but on the subject of Mafell generally I can say that the saw I have is excellent quality. It feels better put together than most other power tool brands, although I cannot speak for Festool.

The Metabo is well regarded here and it's a very versatile sander. But if you're only using the sander for finish sanding I'd seriously consider the Festool ETS 150. It's a joy to use - lightweight, controllable and the dust extraction works very well with an attached DX. I found the Metabo pretty unwieldy for what I was using it for - although if I could have afforded to keep it I would have for rougher work.
Good review of 6" sanders here: ... x?id=31727
PM me if you want the article and don't have a sub.
I'll just add that I also had the Metabo and was very happy with it - until I bought a Festool. Take a serious look at them if you're using a sander for any length of time; quiet, smooth and light, you can literally use them all day.

Cheers, Pete.
As far as I know Metabo make that sander for both Dewalt and Mafell, I know for a fact that they make it for Dewalt and the Mafell one looks very similar.
Peter, if it helps, I stumbled across this review of the Mafell sander, earlier on. It's on this site as well! :roll:

...It is five-and-a-half-years old! :)
Thank you everyone for the replies (thanks OPJ for digging up the reviews :D ).
I think the Mafell is probably the better value as it has a slightly uprated motor and their stuff is usually pretty bomb proof.
I'm not too bothered about the 3 year guarantee as I don't abuse my tools and would be surprised if either of them didn't last me the thick end of 10 years although obviously rather have 3 years g/tee than not.

Also I think that the Metabo comes with a systainer which I wouldn't use.
I take my hand machines out of their cases and they live in 1 large 6' high cabinet in the workshop so fast to fetch and use. Or they are put into a wheely site box for outside work as it's much faster unloading / setting up and down that way than carrying in hundreds of cases / systainers etc around (also, boys with the systainers neatly stacked in the workshop on their wheels, don't you need a mirror above them with some brylcream and a couple of nail files ready to go? I don't have room for that :wink: )

So I suppose I'll have a look on't titnter and see what 'bargains' are available on the Metabo or Mafell- or rather I was until the F word was mentioned by you guys, why did you have to do it? I've avoided them all my working life until now, There's no option but to go and check one out, is there? It sounds a good sander but at a price.

Incidentally on the few times I've worked on sites (which I avoid as a rule) I can count on one hand the number of Festools I've seen. The usual Makitas (very popular), bananas, Bosch are there. Most top end stuff tends to be Hilti, but hardly ever Festool. I think it's not because it's not well regarded but have too many switches and gadgets that busy trades can't be bothered with and therefore won't pay 50% more for over the Bosch / Makita / Metabo / Mafell etc.

Ah well soon be Xmas. then January low work dip. Then pay tax time. Then swing the rope from the bannister.... :D

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