Litter Louts

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Established Member
24 Sep 2006
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Colwyn Bay, North Wales
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We parked up in a car park in Bishops Stortford the other day and while waiting for SWMBO to appear from the back of the camper, I was just standing around minding my own business, when a car entered the car park about 50 yards from us.

One of the occupants got out and started walking towards the hedge, she had a couple of plastic carrier bags in her hand. As she approached the hedge, she glanced round and noticed that I was watching. She then casually turned and walked back to the car and got back in (with the carrier bags).

The car then moved away, stopped by the entrance, when a man got out and promptly dumped said carrier bags in a recycle bin...!

Obviously, the woman had intended to throw the carrier bags into the hedge when she saw me.

What's the matter with these people? There was actually a proper litter bin only a few feet from the recycle bin near the entrance to the car park.

On another car park this week I noticed a car park by a bin (you could have reached the bin without getting out of the car). The occupants got out and promptly just threw their litter on the floor.

This behaviour drives me mad as I just don't see the need for it, but you see it happening all over the place.

Rant over - I'll get back to my holiday now.


You should see Cardigan high street after a Saturday night out out. The drunks are leaning on the litter bins and still can't dump rubbish in them.

Same at work, people can't be bothered to walk a few paces to the bin and just drop it on the floor! Makes you wonder what their homes are like doesn't it? :roll: Mind you you want to see the golf course at the back of my workshop someone has dumped truckloads of bags of sawdust! :roll: LOL
I must agree - this drives me up the wall ! :evil: ! I see it quite a bit - and not just from the 'yunguns' either! isn't as if there is a bin far away most of the time.

People in cars too! many a time I've been along side some car or another where the windows come down and out goes the little on an island!

I was always taught to take your rubbish home if there isn't a bin near by!

Not like you could tell anyone without fear of your life or at least a foul mouth full back :(

(me goes off to calm down)
Rich":1ce0bvqp said:
The PCSO'S are a real help are'nt they? :(

I feel sorry for these ladies and gents, for they are truly Toothless Tigers! The Police have a hard time dealing with drunks, what chance do PCSO's have?

Same here , I detest it when I see litter being dumped, it's in the same bracket as car drivers with mobile phones glued to their ears. It's a bit of a sad reflection on the state of the UK I think when you see all the rubbish around. In central Switzerland last year I saw one discarded Coke can, which was the only bit of rubbish I noticed in the whole trip. I was so gobsmacked I took a pic of it...sad or what? - Rob
Litter is one of the issues that makes me feel embarrassed to be british, bloody morons.
Same here, I loathe litter and people who dump it. I used to share a house with a German chap who worked at Ford at the same time as me and he was always commenting on how he just didn't understand how people in England could drop the amount of litter they did. Shameful.
At the junction where the A3 joins the M25, there's a sign asking motorists not to drop litter - you can hardly see the sign for litter......... :roll:

Cheers :wink:

I am amazed at the way other countries take pride in their surroundings, especially the Americans and Canadians. I notice the difference here in Jersey, massive difference from say Liverpool. The Islanders are proud of Jersey and this rubs off on the immigrants.

I think its because English people have no nationalist pride, if they are patriotic and display it they are lambasted. I seem to recall a few years back, Liverpool City Council banned shopkeepers from flying English flags on St. Georges day, in case it upset the ethnic minorities :shock:

I'm not defending littering by any means, personally I would love to take the silly person I saw the other day throwing rubbish out of his car window on the A14 and throw him out!

But I will say that the constant "We're the only ones who do it" is getting to me a bit. This year I have travelled on business to Philadephia and Munich. Philadelphia had a much litter as Central London. The centre of Munich was reasonably litter free, but this is likely because there was a bin every 10 yards, it's difficult to see how it could be any other way. Away from the centre though and there was again as much litter as I have seen anywhere else.

So I say lets get behind Bill Bryson and Stop the Drop, That way we can look Johnny Foreigner in the eye and say Come on Matey can't you be as tidy as us! (and yes I do get the irony that Bill Bryson is american:) )
I got back from the Climate Camp a couple of weeks back. One of the things that really struck upon leaving, after a week in a field with a few thousand hippies, compost toilets and home-brew grey-water system; was just how damn dirty the outside world is. It's not just the litter - though it is of course everywhere as is the junk from the shops waiting to become litter but also the air smells bad, every building is stained from car fumes, the streets are cluttered with with an obscene number of vehicles, the noise is foul, yadda, yadda, yadda. We are a nation of dirty, selfish people.
Well heres another topic that will take off,in my state you litter you get fined 500.00 other states are a bit more and some make you pay for bottles and get your money back when you return the bottle or can.
But as always there are a few dumb ones that try to be just a litter bug because thats the way mom & dad are.Its all about the upbringing
500 dollars might make a few more pay attention over here as well.

MrJay":nbr4frt0 said:
I got back from the Climate Camp a couple of weeks back. One of the things that really struck upon leaving, after a week in a field with a few thousand hippies, compost toilets and home-brew grey-water system; was just how damn dirty the outside world is. It's not just the litter - though it is of course everywhere as is the junk from the shops waiting to become litter but also the air smells bad, every building is stained from car fumes, the streets are cluttered with with an obscene number of vehicles, the noise is foul, yadda, yadda, yadda. We are a nation of dirty, selfish people.

I disagree in your generalisation there, imho we are a nation who unfortunately are home to a minority of "dirty, selfish" people.


In fact I would like to expound further on my last post.

Have any of you been to Venice? their highways are made of water and despite the romantic image of a couple in a gondola, the waterways of full of detritus and God knows what else and it SMELLS.
back to this country and I have to ask, why is'nt anything done about travellers? how can they get away with moving onto a site, creating a midden heap and then being moved on without being fined for the same, and still we have the do-gooders saying that we must provide stations around the country for them to live at, water points, latrines et al, do they pay tax as I do? do they bu&&ery, as usual the latent middle class tax payers are picking up the bill for these wasters, it's enough to make a grown man spit :x .

O I see. That, presumably, means working class people don't pay tax. Pity you aren't working class then Rich. You'd get away with it.