Likes and Dislikes

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Likes - well the biggest one is the point at which a plan comes together. I've never worked to someone else's plan always drawing it up myself. reaching the point where the parts come together and you can see the item and that it works is very satisfying.

Dislike is a bit predictable - the preparation for finishing... with sandpaper or any other tool. by that point I just want it completed!
Likes: the warm feeling of having solved all problems relating to a design.

Dislikes: The cold shower of realism whenever i start up with a project only to be faced with several problems i hadn't even thought of...

Hopefully, in a few years, i'll be able to pick handplaning difficult grain or something else which sounds very pro :oops: :D
At the moment i'm not able to plane regular grain any good, so i guess it's a time off.
favourite: planing the wood and seeing the smooth grain hidden by the sawn finish and assembling a project and it actually fitting first time!

dislike: finishing; sanding and painting/staining/oiling. Least favourite part!

My woodwork is all turning orientated, so:

Favourite - sanding because I've got something close to what I wanted, instant results and, like Wizer in his OP, there's minimal catastrophe potential, AND (can I have 2 fav's?) putting the first coat of sealer on and seeing what I've got.

Dislike - the 'final pass' with the tool (lots of catastrophe potential).

The first pass with the plane and seeing what it has revealed.
Least favourite, correcting the mistakes!

Like- Standing back and looking at the finished piece.

Dislike- Standing back and looking at the finished piece and wishing i'd done something major differently. (and sanding)!
Love: Planning, thinking, jig designing, watching the different cut elements emerge from the rough sawn timber but most of all trying something I've never tried before.

Dislike: finishing but love the finished piece.

This is all surprisingly civil ;)

I thought of another like: My Workshop. The Haven, The place where I can do what I like when I like.

and another dislike: My Workshop, where nothing is how I want it and will never look like Norm's.

On a good day:-

Likes - re-visiting a customer and seeing something I've made and installed for them being well used…

Dislikes - paperwork

and when it's not going so well…

Likes - planning the job, and getting paid

Dislikes - everything in-between!

Cheers, Pete.
That blissful moment of clarity when the fog clears and I understand how to do the job.

That awfull moment of clarity when the fog clears and I understand what the client wants.

And then there's all the great stuff about working with wood and making stuff, I like that bit, that's good. :D
I'd missed this thread. Pity, it's a good one.

Likes: The design, seeing a piece in my head and getting it down on (electronic) paper. Cutting up wood and seeing the parts emerge. Seeing the finished piece as a realisation of my vision.

Dislikes: Finishing. It's rarely as professional as I would like, although these days it is at least presentable. I'd like it to be perfect.

Well I like finishing so there :lol: It's the bit that everybody touches and feels so it has to be good. It's also the end of a piece and then I can move on to something else. The bit I dislike is the bit before I start, the Umming and Ahhing stage. Have I worked everything out, have I enough timber etc. Once I start the enjoyment begins.

1) Restoring precision tools back to their former glory....the older the better

2) Planing and planing and probably planing again.... :D

3) Using quality tools for the first time and the discovery moment!


1) Untidy workshop (its usual state)

2) The feckin' weather!!!

Cheers and Happy New Year when it comes!

Likes : Building and trying out new shopmade jigs

Dislikes: Never having enough space, always having to wheel machines around ! Having to do half of my work in the garden ! Aaaaagggrrrhhh!

Wishing I could be as relaxed as Norm.
I wish you lot would shut up about glue ups! I'm facing the biggest, most alward glue up I've ever had!
Fingers crossed!

LIKE: Completing a project, getting it out the door and retaining all that lost space within the workshop.

DISLIKE: ...Starting a new project (like a dining table) and finding I've barely got enough room to breathe as it starts coming together!


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