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Print a case for my tap & die set.
I had to split each component in two just so it would fit on the printer bed.
Because of my tap/die and drill bits drawers set-up I went for a different approach.

I also printed a die holder I can use when re-cutting a thread (I think there must be a proper term for cleaning up an existing thread).
What will be a “next gen” no 14 round plane in resin. I’m doing the sole separately in a different resin. It’s getting complicated!

They layers is something I hadn't even considered mainly because I didn't think through how people might use them. The only thought was as a stop when plaining something :rolleyes:

I haven't put it under any kind of stress test, what was you doing when they broken? Just curious as to the type of load you had on them.
Just design it with a 10mm/12mm threaded hole down the centre with a countersunk hole and screw in a machine screw or similar to give it some shear strength.
After searching for replacement stones of the same dimensions as the original I decided I may as well design my version of a planer blade honing stone holder using larger 10mm x 10mm ruby-type stones. It was originally going to hold a ruby and a green stone because that's what I had at hand but I dropped the ruby stone while fitting it, shattering it, so I ordered two more of the same. The original was not a tool I used that often, but part way through a planing/thicknessing session, I don't think it does any harm to give the blades a quick hone-in-situ part way through.




Bench cookie things. I used furniture pads as none slip pads. I'm going to see if I can sell these too. I have designed a holder for them. Worth a punt right?

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