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mark w

Established Member
15 Jul 2008
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Glastonbury, not in a tent though!
What is going on with the editing in F&C, the article with Richard Fairbrother (not his real name by the way) says see machinery panel list, but there isn`t one. The article about Greek and Roman drawing ends abruptly with "Note that the free space above and"------- and nothing, this is worse than amateurish and I`m not even half way through the magazine, have I got a dud copy? If not I think a refund is in order. I have not as yet read the Alan Holtham Perfect Workshop article but I bet nothing is missing from all six pages of it!
mark w":rxynobam said:
What is going on with the editing in F&C, the article with Richard Fairbrother (not his real name by the way) says see machinery panel list, but there isn`t one. The article about Greek and Roman drawing ends abruptly with "Note that the free space above and"------- and nothing, this is worse than amateurish and I`m not even half way through the magazine, have I got a dud copy? If not I think a refund is in order. I have not as yet read the Alan Holtham Perfect Workshop article but I bet nothing is missing from all six pages of it!
I noticed both of those goofs as's not good enough IMO - Rob
I thought this was a bad month for F&C quite disappointed.
bad couple of months from what I've seen. To be honest I've stopped buying all but BWW. Mainly, I admit, for financial reasons. I do think magazines are now over priced. But also the content is very mediocre. Many of the articles, expecially in F&C are so vague and non-committal that when you get to the end, you wonder why they bothered wasting paper.
wizer":34rc9mgf said:
bad couple of months from what I've seen. To be honest I've stopped buying all but BWW. Mainly, I admit, for financial reasons. I do think magazines are now over priced. But also the content is very mediocre. Many of the articles, expecially in F&C are so vague and non-committal that when you get to the end, you wonder why they bothered wasting paper.


I'm getting increasingly cheesed off with most magazines, the only ones I enjoy reading is BWW and Fine Woodworking. I'm also thinking of subscribing to Nick's other mag also (the name escapes me), the one copy i've seen was both interesting and educational, I'll probably subscribe at Rycotewood.




living woods - and yes i'd highly recomend subscribing to it
Yes Living Woods is another good mag, not the type of woodworking us lot do regularly. There's something about those people who are working with green timber that I find both fascinating and 'warming'. The word earthy springs to mind :D One day I'll make myself a shave horse and get some draw knives and sit on the deck making chairs out of branches ;)
must say i stopped buying the mags about a year or so ago, as i was totally disillusioned with the content of them all. Just bought the last 2 months copies of f&c as i heard they have a new editor, spotted the errors,nothing new to enthuse me,next month`s 1 will be staying in the shop
chill":1k7ljmw1 said:
must say i stopped buying the mags about a year or so ago, as i was totally disillusioned with the content of them all. Just bought the last 2 months copies of f&c as i heard they have a new editor, spotted the errors,nothing new to enthuse me,next month`s 1 will be staying in the shop

i'd recomend giving nick gibb's "british woodworking" a spin - i felt pretty much as you do but this mag has restored my faith if only in his magazines.

this months has Olly (OPJ) on the front cover - surely after that everything else is a bonus - you can also play spot the forum member amonst contributors - this time in addition to olly i spotted woodbloke, frugal, and steve maskery.
big soft moose":2tmg0a75 said:
spot the forum member amonst contributors - this time in addition to olly i spotted woodbloke, frugal, and steve maskery.
That's news to me BSM...whereabouts? :? - Rob
Think he was talking about some old oak.... :lol:
woodbloke":34wix6i5 said:
big soft moose":34wix6i5 said:
spot the forum member amonst contributors - this time in addition to olly i spotted woodbloke, frugal, and steve maskery.
That's news to me BSM...whereabouts? :? - Rob

so you're not Rob Leach then ? :oops: :oops: :oops:

My mistake :cry:
He's not Rob Cosman either... (unless he's bi-polar)

I posted my complaint on the F&C forum, below is the response from Andrea, I think Andrea Hargreaves.

"Yes, we put our hands up to omitting the machinery panel Richard had supplied, the result of a last minute change of pagination planning, and to the loss of the last paragraph of the What the Greeks and Romans Did For Us article. Keen users of the website will have noticed that we posted this latter article as soon as the magazine was published and the mistake spotted. Our apologies and we hope that these errors do not detract too much from your enjoyment of F&C. "

I don`t know about you but reading half published articles really does detract from my enjoyment, it`s a bit pointless.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate the comments various kind folk have said about my mags here. Not because it leads to sales (though of course that helps), but because they understand how much effort it takes to produce them. I've been really impressed by the Forum recently, and viewing the current threads shows what a valuable resource it is. Long may that live. And it keeps people like me on my toes.

I am occasionally curious about BWW but for as long as you blatantly spam this place like that I will never buy a copy. Just my view obviously and I am sure the many fans will find that an outrageous thing to say, etc, but just so you know there are other views out there...
I find all of the UK woodworking magazines insufficiently substantial to be worth buying. In my early woodworking years I found the magazines to be informative and aspirational, but in time, as observed by others before me, they grow repetitive.

I wrote a few articles for F&C but writing the content gets as repetitive as reading it after a while, so once I was over the novelty of being published I stopped. I think the magazine took a turn for the worse when Colin moved on.

The internet has largely replaced what I used to get from magazines and I suspect that like the newspapers they need to adapt or disappear.

Jake":3fduh82a said:
I am occasionally curious about BWW but for as long as you blatantly spam this place like that I will never buy a copy. Just my view obviously and I am sure the many fans will find that an outrageous thing to say, etc, but just so you know there are other views out there...

if you think nicks spamming jake why not report him to the mod team and see if they agree


Personally i think its a little harsh, as acknowledging other peoples remarks is hardly spam - and IMO if you chose not to buy a copy of the magazine for such a petty reason then frankly thats your loss.
Mr Ed":73vas8nb said:
I find all of the UK woodworking magazines insufficiently substantial to be worth buying. In my early woodworking years I found the magazines to be informative and aspirational, but in time, as observed by others before me, they grow repetitive.

I wrote a few articles for F&C but writing the content gets as repetitive as reading it after a while, so once I was over the novelty of being published I stopped. I think the magazine took a turn for the worse when Colin moved on.

The internet has largely replaced what I used to get from magazines and I suspect that like the newspapers they need to adapt or disappear.


I know what you mean ed, i feel the same about the photo press - time was i used to take practical photography, photography monthly, outdoor photography, digital photography, and professional photographer all on subscription.

but as ive developed (excuse the pun) as a photographer and written articles for some of them ive been less and less inclined to read them as ive been there, done that and bought the t shirt and have very little they can teach me.

these days i dont subscribe to any of them but occasional buy pro photographer if theres an interesting article.

on the woodworking parallel I'm suprised there is a "pro woodworker" magazine ( though i suppose F&C or FWW are supossed to fill that niche) as its natural that people like yourself will outgrow the magazines for which people at my skill level are the target audience.
Jake":33d3l0l0 said:
I am occasionally curious about BWW but for as long as you blatantly spam this place like that I will never buy a copy. Just my view obviously and I am sure the many fans will find that an outrageous thing to say, etc, but just so you know there are other views out there...

I'll bite. In this instance, Nick was thanking everyone for unprovoked positive feedback, how on earth is that spamming? I'm not going to argue that Nick's participation in this forum generates marketing for him. A great deal, I suspect. But I don't consider it spam, because Nick actually takes part in the forum. I take it, then, that you'd never buy anything from Workshop Heaven or Brimarc or Smith & Roger, etc, etc.. Just because they participate in this forum? Would you stop buying the other magazines if their editors starting posting here?

A Phrase that involves noses, faces and spite comes to mind Jake.
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