Jet Extractor problem

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Established Member
28 Aug 2016
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I have a Jet DC 1100 dust extractor which I bought from Axminster just over 3 years ago.

Today the motor started making a loud humming noise, I turned it off and had a look at the fans etc but couldn't see anything wrong. I turned it back on again and it still hummed then about 30 seconds later it also started making a grinding/rattling noise.

I called Axminster and they suggested maybe the capacitor or they could get a new motor but would take 5 weeks.

Anybody got any suggestions, I am good with wood but don't have a clue when it comes to electric motors apart from knowing this one does not sound well. The motor still seems to be running at full speed.

Feeling a bit grumpy because they class it as industrial but it really has not done that much work.

Thanks in advance,

the good news is there isn't that much that can break in an electric motor it doesn't have that many moving parts.

A hum would suggest a problem with the capacitor that helps smooth start and stop on the motor. Or wear on the brushes (assuming it is brushed) leading to a poor contact on the rotor. The later might explain both the hum and if a part of the brush or the contact has dislodged and been caught up elswhere the grinding noise too.

The ginding noise is something more mechanical. If this is a brushed motor (rather than being brushless/induction) then it may be that the brushes are worn and need replacing - thats a simple and fairly low cost thing as the brushes are basically a consumable. The more likely thing is that a bearing has fouled. If you disconnect everything from power and attempt to turn the fan, belt and motor shaft by hand do they turn smoothly or do you feel roughness in the motion? if they are rough you may have a failed bearing - in 3 years on an 'industrial machine' thats not vey long so you may have luck with axminster replacing them.

It's a little hard to suggest causes without more diagnosis.

You often find that replacing the brushes and beearings is a relatively cheap thing to do and worthwhile ongoing maintenance regardless of what else is wrong.
It's an induction motor so if it is a motor problem then it's likely to either be a bearing or the brake if it has one.
When you said you checked the fan did you pull the inlet pipe flange off and check that the bolt holding the impeller to the motor shaft was tight? I had a different DC but the bolt loosened resulting in noise as you describe. Put a wrench on it and see if the bolt moves.
Thank you for all the replies.

It is fixed now, it was as Inspector suggested, the bolt was slightly loose on the impeller. I had checked it but obviously not very well :oops:

Peter, bad news about the filter bag, I keep thinking about getting one of the filter cartridges for mine, they are quite expensive but I guess it would be better for my lungs!

Thanks again,

no idea":3c23406r said:
It's an induction motor so if it is a motor problem then it's likely to either be a bearing or the brake if it has one.

ok, so that rules out my comments on brushes then...
i'd bet on it being a bearing problem
Doug71":1q8lbys1 said:
Thank you for all the replies.

It is fixed now, it was as Inspector suggested, the bolt was slightly loose on the impeller. I had checked it but obviously not very well :oops:

Peter, bad news about the filter bag, I keep thinking about getting one of the filter cartridges for mine, they are quite expensive but I guess it would be better for my lungs!

Thanks again,


I'm happy to have been of help.
Now before you go buy a DC filter with the cleaning paddles for your Jet I'm going to recommend you look for proper industrial rated filers and adapt to fit your machine.

The reasons are because the Asian ones are not all that well built. A filter cleaning company I went to told me they wouldn't clean those filters because they disintegrated in his cleaning machines. The US made industrial filters can be cleaned to within 2% of factory specs 3 or 4 times at least in the same machines.

The paddle wipers inside the filter will at some point wear out the pleats and the dangerous fine dust will start blowing through.

The industrial filters are made to a standard you can trust. You have no way to know what the imported filter is. Just because they say it will filter down to 0.5 micron you have no way of knowing if that is 99.999% or 90ish%

You should do some searching for UK/European filters and compare the prices to the imports. I'll put some links of what can be found here so you know what to look for. check before buying to see if they can filter from the inside out. Most industrial filter from the outside in. ... r-pricing/ ... cartridges

Here are some in your neck of the woods.

You may find the price to be competitive enough to get two and stack them on your DC for even better airflow.
