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Impressive Member
5 Jan 2015
Reaction score
Sussex UK
I've lost count of the number of times I've torn my left thumbnail or index fingernail on the dratted hole they provide on hardpoint saws.
Suggested remedies please...
Woody2Shoes":2qml8znr said:
I've lost count of the number of times I've torn my left thumbnail or index fingernail on the dratted hole they provide on hardpoint saws.
Suggested remedies please...

Do what the old boys used to do....
Grind it out into the shape of an attractive nib :roll: :wink: 8) :lol:
Cheers Andy
just use a non disposible saw instead? they last 100+ years and don't have a hole in them, also much nicer wooden handles, can be sharpened and are cheap.
Go environmentally friendly and buy a saw you resharpen. It’s really very very easy to sharpen up a saw yourself, and the difference between a hard point and a properly sharpened and set saw is night and day!
I'm not going to suggest a sharpenable saw because for me they're not a like-for-like swap. Plenty of things I'd be happy to saw with a hardpoint that I wouldn't want a vintage saw I cared anything for to go near!

You can in theory at least fill with epoxy. I've filled holes in saw plate a few times and it has always worked, but, this was at the handle end and not the business end which could make all the difference. I can easily see the flex making an epoxy plug crack or pop free.

Depending on the exact location of the holes I think reshaping the tip to remove it entirely may be the way to go. Quick enough job on a grinder. Or you can hacksaw off a triangle of steel in just a couple of minutes, the steel sandwiched between two bits of MDF or softwood to dampen vibration and prevent warping.
Try as I may I cannot visualise the problem. My right hand stays on the handle and my left on the workpiece - not touching the metal at all.
ok but that guiding thumb/knuckle should be nowhere near the hole.
I'll try and pay more attention next time I reach for a saw - it does not happen much in my workshop though lol

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