How Old Is Too Old ?

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Max Power

Established Member
26 Mar 2007
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County Durham
In Losos's recent thread,( For those in business - Accounts question) he said his friends thought he was mad to be starting a business at his age.
Don't know how old Losos is, but what do you consider to be too old to start ?
Its never to late for anything, you get one shot at this life, not doing something now will only lead to regret in the future.
I say GO FOR IT.

I can't say about being too lod to start a business but I have started one last year at the age of 57. I should have done it a long time ago. :D
That's amazed me Alan :shock: , your rate of production and tremendous enthusiasm made me think you were somewhat younger
just goes to show "theres life in the old dog yet" :mrgreen:
Great sentiments Hudson and Stew, but realistically there must come a point where it wouldn't make sense to invest your life savings in a business start-up
I think it is like a lot of things in life , a gamble. There are no certainties that it will pay off so one must
decide if it is a risk worth taking, and can you pick yourself up again if it does not work out.

My philosophy is plan well and go for it.
:) What an interesting thread, I am too shy to say how old I am but someone did ask me not so long ago when I would retire (She knew pretty close how old I am)

My reply was "I'll retire when I die" :lol: :lol: :lol:

To those who mentioned 'caution' well yes one needs a touch of that and this proposed business will not be risking my life savings (Well not all of them anyway :!: )
Starting a business is difficult at any age, good luck to anyone who starts a new business.
Very true Bob, however to get back to the original question, at what age would it not make sense to be contemplating starting up in business.
For instance would seventy be "too old" to be setting up a kitchen company?
Alan Jones":29tlwxq7 said:
Very true Bob, however to get back to the original question, at what age would it not make sense to be contemplating starting up in business.
For instance would seventy be "too old" to be setting up a kitchen company?

Yes, if you are the only employee. I struggle with a 25mm board now.
Alan Jones":5i1lf27n said:
Great sentiments Hudson and Stew, but realistically there must come a point where it wouldn't make sense to invest your life savings in a business start-up

Ah but that is a different question. You don't have to invest your life's savings to start up in a new business.
Alan Jones":3moy0ru8 said:
For instance would seventy be "too old" to be setting up a kitchen company?

I don't think that there is a simple 'Yes' 'No'. For example, a kitchen company? Installation? Well, you could sub that out to a younger, fitter person. You can buy in carcasses so no humping heavy sheets of MDF.

Even if you decide you want to do it all yourself then it is going to depend on each individual's physicality/strength/flexibility/fitness/motivation and that is different for all of us.
Life is about creating memories you can bore your grandchildren with Alan, trust me!
What is too old, simple, when you are too infirm to handle it.
You wanna see the looks I get in the shops when I take a crash helmet off! :lol:

In answer to how you re ask the question is: it depends on situation.

If you know when (ish) your going to die and you have no one else to hand the business down to then your to old I guess.

Me I can't just do nothing, I live to work, in my life everyday is a Monday. If I don't have my business still when im 70 then I wouldn't think twice about starting up a new one!