Help for a noob! Plus Manchester timber merchants

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Established Member
31 Mar 2008
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Hello everybody!

I need some guidance about buying timber to make some cabinets for a nursery (school, not plants!). I have made garden furniture, benches etc, but have never bought solid wood timber boards, or had to use timber that is so smooth. I guess I need to get some sawn planed hardwood, but my question is this: the cabints/open shelves need to be about 36cm deep by 120cm long - is it possible to get timber cut in these sizes, or do I get narrower cuts and glue them? I am thinking Ash or Beech, but any advice on timber choice also welcome!


Hi Jez and welcome to the forum. :)

Assuming you could find whole boards 360mm in width, you would still be better off edge-jointing several narrow boards (odd numbers are good). Something that wide will cause havoc when it tries to cup and move with seasonal changes in humidity! :?

Another option would be veneered MDF. You won't have to worry about seasonal movement at all and could add timber lippings to hide the exposed MDF on the edges. Ash and beech are available and, I'm not certain, but it may work out slightly cheaper...? You would need to be aware of the splintering that can occur if you don't take care when cutting these sheets.

Best of luck with the project - make sure you keep us up-to-date with some photographs!! :wink:
Cheers, advice taken on board!

Edit to add:

Can anyone recommend a timber merchant in the Manchester area? There are plenty on the internet (of course!) but you can't beat a personal referral. I only said referral then as I am watching the cricket...

Don't know about the rainy side of the pennines I'm afraid, but there was a North West bash last weekend, the sticky is at the top of this section and it might be worth PM-ing some of the guys on there. Karl and Dan Tovey spring to mind as 2 chaps who know timber merchants over there.


Where abouts in Manchester are you?

I sometimes use Arnold Lavers in Cadishead, they stock quite a large selection of soft and hardwoods aswell a veneered boards

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