Half lap joints


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Established Member
4 Dec 2022
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Aldershot Hampshire
I just want to check as first time doing this. When going to do half laps on miter saw do you cut the two outside one then basically you cut lift move cut lift move so to spea. And a sacrificial Bit of wood behind bit your cutting does it need to be thick and sam size as bit you need or just a bit longer. I’ve got some thin bits but nothing as wide as workpiece as I’m new and haven’t got any wood as waste and uncertain how wide it needs to be.
ma thanks steve👨🏼‍🦽
The 1st thing I would do is set the depth stop for your saw ( assuming you have one ) this will enable you to set the depth of cut to exactly halfway. Once your cuts are marked out using a sharp pencil mark your cutting lines. Do a test cut and imo cut leaving the pencil marks showing and the do a test fit . If all good then job done if not then cutting very slightly towards or into the pencil lines will open up the joint . Aim for a snug fit - practice makes perfect 👍
Edit I cut the 2 outer lines as above first the repetitive cuts to take out the waste however I always move the timber away from the blade for reasons of-kick back, and you don’t want your fingers getting progressively closer to that big spinning blade that will remove said fingers i an instant. So yeh have fun and practice with a bit of 2x1 1st then these can be used behind the timber your cutting but again this is best if clamped in position for safety ..
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Ive watched nothing but half laps all weekend which should be great but I’ve lost my short term memory from strokes so keep going over same ones but can’t watch in shed as interweb is right on edge and don’t get a signal even with a extender booster
Ive watched nothing but half laps all weekend which should be great but I’ve lost my short term memory from strokes so keep going over same ones but can’t watch in shed as interweb is right on edge and don’t get a signal even with a extender booster
Quickest way to learn is to get stuck in , practice and don’t beat yourself up if it ain’t quite right as the next will be better and so on . Vids are good but no substitute for the real thing- due to severe stress and anxiety my short term memory is bad - yesterday I tried getting into someone else’s car ( different model but same colour ) fortunately the owner thought it was hilarious. I was a little embarrassed but I’m used to it now. Hopefully cutting your own will stick with you . Good luck 🤞
Ive watched nothing but half laps all weekend which should be great but I’ve lost my short term memory from strokes so keep going over same ones but can’t watch in shed as interweb is right on edge and don’t get a signal even with a extender booster
Your solution would appear to be to jot down notes as you watch the videos.
Use the pause button to give yourself time to write sensible notes. Replay the video to make sure your notes are sufficient. Get into your workshop and put your notes into practice.
Another tip - make a sketch with dimensions of what you want to make, even if it's a simple halving joint.
Good Luck