Grinder with teeth

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Hi roombacurious, (soon to be forum medical consultant...) :)

Another small query along these lines..

I regularly get small but painful 'split' type cuts in the corner of fingernails and thumbs, also the pads of fingers, caused by very dry skin.
I remedy these by using a small dab of superglue and quick spritz of catalyst.

Should I stop doing this? :? :?

Will I be able to play the violin? (can't at the moment!) :lol:

Call me thick but I didn't know what gynaecology was. I did a quick search on wikipedia and found this:

it means "the science of women"

Sounds like something to keep well clear of. Too much knowledge would only make life even more confusing! :wink:

Women... weird and wonderful creatures... and unfortunately (for us) the better species! They are better engineered, more adaptable and can survive pretty much anything! I think the only reason we men are still around is that cloning hasn't been perfected yet. Once this happens, the best male specimen will end up in a zoo and the rest exterminated! (Darn, who will inherit all these tools?! :wink: )

Martin... superglue? Well interestingly enough you're not the first one to use it, cyanoacrylate (very similar to superglue) is commonly used in surgery and A&E. It can be irritant but is not considered harmful. My advice however would be to ask you GP to have a look as well as sometimes this splitting can be caused by chronic fungal infections that can be treated with antibiotics.
Regarding the thinners suggestion, is this actually dangerous? I just wondered because I notice my Wagner high pressure spray gun has dire warnings about getting flesh near the nozzle on account of danger of "subcutaneous injection of spray which can cause gangrene"?
Or is this just being excessively cautious?
Definately an `OUCH` here.Or several to be accurate having read all the postings. Now whilst reading the different accounts of injurys i recalled an injury i suffered many moons ago but i can`t help but laugh about it now.
Have any of you ever caught your winkie in your zip ?
Yep,I did and its painful.
But there is one thing that is even worse than getting your winkie caught in your zip.........................Getting it out again !!!!
Because you know from recent experience how painful zips are only this time you know whats coming, and thats what makes it worse. !!

Now i reckon you are either laughing or crying at this point.

dickm, danger is a relative thing. You probably won't die just because you've used thinners in such a manner but I'd say it's advisable not to. It's a precaution but not a "don't eat rat poison" type warning!

The spray gun warning is pretty interesting - I've never come across that before! Theoretically possible, practically unlikely unless you're actually trying to inject yourself in such a manner. But manufacturers have to keep lawyers off their backs...
Big Fat Pig":2px55a6i said:
Definately an `OUCH` here.Or several to be accurate having read all the postings. Now whilst reading the different accounts of injurys i recalled an injury i suffered many moons ago but i can`t help but laugh about it now.
Have any of you ever caught your winkie in your zip ?
Yep,I did and its painful.
But there is one thing that is even worse than getting your winkie caught in your zip.........................Getting it out again !!!!
Because you know from recent experience how painful zips are only this time you know whats coming, and thats what makes it worse. !!

Now i reckon you are either laughing or crying at this point.


BFP, whatever you do DON'T DIP IT IN THINNERS!!!!!
last time I had anything like that was when I dropped the bike and got gravelrash down the leg, and lost the skin of me right hand middle finger, thank god for spray on skin :lol:
One summer holiday I was working in an engineering works. This was the 60s and some of the men there were in their 50s, and still wore a bib and brace, and in summer they took their smart going-home trousers off. So they were wearing a baggy bib and brace over big baggy underpants.

And this bloke got his trousers caught in a rolling machine. It pulled them in, including his underpants and a good part of his tackle. You could have heard the scream a mile off. What was worse was he had his change for a cup of tea and a cheese roll in his pocket and that got pulled in as well as the soft bits. And crushed between two rollers ¼" apart. With old threepenny bits in it.

He was off to hospital, where he was stitched back together again (brings tears, doesn't it?) and sent back to work. Where he found that his entire work area had been plastered in pornographic pictures by his 'mates'! I didn't stay long enough to find out whether or not normal service was ever resumed.

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