Fleeced on Ebay - Argh!!!!


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Established Member
28 Oct 2008
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So this looked like the bargain he claimed it was on first reading:

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... K:MEWNX:IT

Until I reread it after buying and realised he wasn't including the cutters, the b@s!!@!... Amazing what a difference that little"not" makes...

So I'm going to have to spend another £150 to get the set that i could have got for £165 in the first place. Teach me to read an ebay listing like a contract lawyer in future. I'm considering leaving negative feedback, what does anyone else think? I can't imagine he'll refund me the money, he thinks he's sold me a pup. My only option I think is to count the number of dominos and get him for a misleading auction listing if there are any less than the number there should be.
Resell might be the option to choose, but I hate people that weasel-word auctions.
Hate the way people scam on ebat but this time his description is clear and he will be able to dispute any neg feedback related to the cutters and get it removed. Go for neutral as that will stick.
shannyla":4bbw90ka said:
So this looked like the bargain he claimed it was on first reading:

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... K:MEWNX:IT

Until I reread it after buying and realised he wasn't including the cutters, the b@s!!@!... Amazing what a difference that little"not" makes...

So I'm going to have to spend another £150 to get the set that i could have got for £165 in the first place. Teach me to read an ebay listing like a contract lawyer in future. I'm considering leaving negative feedback, what does anyone else think? I can't imagine he'll refund me the money, he thinks he's sold me a pup. My only option I think is to count the number of dominos and get him for a misleading auction listing if there are any less than the number there should be.
Its a con trick He's done it before - exactly the same ad:
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Festool-Domino-DS ... 0544034173
Still nice to have another box and you do get what looks to be easily 1000 of the variety of dominos. And the systainer on its own is worth £40 so not really a terrible deal thou not what you wanted.
I'm sorry but I can't see how you have any recourse on this listing?? It was clearly stated the cutters were not included unless the ad you linked has been changed since you bought them?

The link Jacob showed clearly indicated this was for the whole set, cutters included and if you had bought from that listing I would expect ebay to act for false description. From the look of it this is exactly what happened and the buyer that bought it for £160 was not happy and the seller then re-listed it with a revised description.

I would not leave negative or neutral feedback as I can't see what the seller has done wrong and unfortunately not reading the description has caused the problem?

Sorry if this is not what you wanted to hear? :cry:

I must agree with Steve, the fact that the cutters were not included was very clear, it's a case of not reading the listing I'm afraid. I don't think the seller deserves either a negative or a neutral, just don't leave any at all if you can't leave a positive.
Yup, your problem I'm afraid. From memory, 493301 is the domino set without cutters that has now been superceded. The domino sets with and without cutters carried different part numbers. The advert also clearly states NO CUTTERS. I don't see how you could possibly have any recourse.

Sorry but got to agree mate, he clearly states the items included in the auction, you'll be doing him and everyone that uses Ebay a disservice if you leave him anything other than positive feedback. He's done nothing wrong.

I have to agree with the others - it's clear the cutters aren't included, so he's done nothing wrong and should get positive feedback.
You've got the sortainer and a bunch of dominos so you've not lost out completely.

I did something similar myself - bought a camera bag strap for completely the wrong bag.
The listing was clear, so my fault entirely.
Fortunately I managed to sell it recently for about what I paid.
Sorry but I have to agree - The listing was very clear - the lesson here is read the text properly.

I do not believe you have been misled as it was clear enough.

In a senior moment I once listed an item as a BIN, thinking I had set it at the starting price. Someone snapped it up within 30 minutes. It wasn't a great loss (perhaps £20) but I honoured the sale. It was my mistake after all.
It's pretty clear that the cutters are not included. It's not as though he put the relevant info in tiny font.
All of you that are saying I should have read the listing more carefully are quite correct, I did after all make exactly that point in my original post, but I'd argue that the listing was written to deceive. I would argue that the listing was intended to have the result that it did, that someone (me in this case) would see the price and the headline description, and do a quick buy it now. I'd also argue that since he sold the set previously, at near full retail cost proving that one is born every minute, without mentioning that there were no cutters, and got caught out, that he deliberately listed the set this way.

Actually, I know that this is the case as after I put these points to him he rather quickly offered me a £20 refund, so thank you Jacob for picking up the previous listing. Actually what he first tried to do is tell me that a set of cutters was £25, and that I was still getting a bargain. The cutter set actually costs over £100. I'm still paying over the odds for what I'm getting, but I will at least be able to resell for much less loss.
I'm not familiar with Festool so can you explain what, in the headline description says it includes the cutters? Maybe, if it's the model number and the word "set" then I'd agree that it's ambiguous in so far as the model number and use of the word "set" imply the complete package. If this is the case then perhaps the headline should have read "Systainer of Festool Dominos" because, without the cutters, that's all it is? Am I beginning to get it?
Set in this case implies what Festool describe as the set, which in this case is Systainer, a selection of dominos and the cutters. This retails for £165. The cutters on their own cost over £120, the Systainer costs around £45, and a thousand dominos cost around £50, so the set as sold by Festool represents good value... well as good value as Festool gets but that's another debate.

So by one measure you could argue that £100 for Systainer and dominos is by no definition a bargain, merely the full retail price. On the other hand, £100 for the full set second hand would accurately be described as good value, a fair price, maybe even a bargain...

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