Fleeced on Ebay - Argh!!!!


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You may well be right but then that's nothing new, on ebay or anywhere else. I've just listed my old tablesaw and had to be both careful and a little 'creative' in how I worded it. There's no deception involved because if the listing is read properly, as it should be, buyers will be fully aware of what they're getting for their money, ie there is no mitre slots as I've modified the table so no mention of them or the mitre guide is made. If people 'assume' there will be one that is their own fault.
What bothers me is that I'm personally scrupulous when I list anything on eBay, and I've sold a lot on eBay in the past. Not as a trader, just as someone selling goods surplus to my requirements, and I list them as accurately, clearly and with no weasel wording. I just find it more satisfying to sell that way and no body feels hard done by. If I had been listing this it would have had the fact the cutters weren't included in the listing title. Maybe I'm a fool for that.

Sorry Studders, but I'd consider your listing deceptive. In general tables have mitre slots, and most buyers would expect them to be there without having to have it explicitly listed. It would be like I modified a saw to have no blade or any way of fitting it, and not mentioning that in the listing.
Guy has done nothing wrong IMO and i can't see anything you would consider "weasel wording", :? but it's very easy to overlook the obvious in the excitement of grabbing a "bargain" before somebody else spots it. - The old human greed factor there in all of us :roll:

The old adage of buyer beware is never more pertinent than on ebay " If it's too good to be true then it usually is"

One to chalk down to experience unfortunately

studders":adop1kq9 said:
You may well be right but then that's nothing new, on ebay or anywhere else. I've just listed my old tablesaw and had to be both careful and a little 'creative' in how I worded it. There's no deception involved because if the listing is read properly, as it should be, buyers will be fully aware of what they're getting for their money, ie there is no mitre slots as I've modified the table so no mention of them or the mitre guide is made. If people 'assume' there will be one that is their own fault.

Hi Studders

I personally would find a problem with that even though I would spot it at once were I looking to buy.

you're quite right in that there's nothing dishonest about leaving it out but i would be concerned that some poor inexperienced newby looking for his first machine wouldn't notice and it would prick my concience.

I've just had 2 opposite exeriences in the last few weeks - First was an edgebander I bought for £75 had some bits missing - contacted the seller and agreed a refund of £35. Other was 4 hinges missing from a sizeable order - seller sent me 6 in error and I emailed to inform him. Told me just to keep them.
Both honest sellers and my conscience is clear as well. What ebay should be about in an ideal world.


ps (note to myself:- read the description VERY carefully if bidding on Studders items :lol: :lol: :lol: )
The listing is in no way deceptive. A look at the pictures and a read of the description clearly shows that the mitre slots are covered over by the new top, added to make the top flat, and as such are not usable. Experienced user will know the slots on these cheaper models are useless with a mitre gauge anyway.
Your analogy about the blade is wrong, the saw does what it should, ie it cuts wood. What the listing does not do is emphasize what some may see as a negative. That is common practise.
Lons":2kr7btqc said:
Hi Studders

I personally would find a problem with that even though I would spot it at once were I looking to buy.

ps (note to myself:- read the description VERY carefully if bidding on Studders items :lol: :lol: :lol: )


The inexperienced also probably wouldn't know they were getting a saw that performs way better than the same saw as sold.
So there's a possible neg for them but also a plus.
It's not as if you can't cut mitres if you wanted to, just not as the machine was originally sold; but then as it was originally sold it had many many problems that I have had to sort out in order for the saw to perform as claimed. Also, the mitre slots are still there and could be reused, that would of course undo much of the improvements.
As sold to me from new no mention was made of the top having a huge dip in it due to poor design, the insert being 5mm below the rest of the table, the mitre guide being completely useless etc etc etc.
Manufacturers know how to sell their products and it isn't by pointing out the negatives, it's the opposite, emphasize the good points and don't make claims about things that might not be quite up to par, in fact avoid mention of them if at all possible, that is all I have done, if you see that as deception then so be it - I don't think it is.
Yeah i agree Studders

Wasn't having a go at you and your saw is probably a bad example.

My point really was that I personally would list absolutely everything - good and bad as that's the way I am :)

you really can't win with things though - i have an almost new underbench fridge used only to keep my beers in, now surplus since I built the extension and bought something else.
I've offered it FOC to everyone I know and paid £2.50 to put an add in the village shop. Even preperared to deliver it locally. Does anybody want it? Do they **** :roll: And I'm sure it's cause it's gratis and therefore must be something wrong with it :? Can't bring myself to take it to the tip.


Well you blokes have made me feel all guilty now. :lol:

I've added a footnote to the listing telling buyers if they want mitre slots then it ain't the saw for them.

Now I can sleep easy tonight. :lol:

Beer Fridge you say? Hmmmmmmmmmm (homer)
sorry shannyla but the listing clearly states that they are not included. it is your reasonability to read the description. if you leave neg feedback he can apply to have it removed and ebay could then place a black mark against you.

You could always try contacting him explaining that you thought the cutters were included and ask if you can withdraw from the sale as you have made an honest mistake

If it was listed as a buy it now price and he is listed as a business seller you have the right to cancel the sale and return the items within 7 days of receipt for a full refund including the original postage under the distance selling regulations. you however have to pay the returned postage.
promhandicam":7lnqfist said:
Lons":7lnqfist said:
ps (note to myself:- read the description VERY carefully if bidding on Studders items :lol: :lol: :lol: )

To which could perhaps be added - don't sell anything to shannyla

That's just mean...
just in case you still need a cutter set, I have an unused earlier set which doesn't include the 4 mm cutter, let me know your thoughts or pm a contact number to discuss
shannyla":1cqjot35 said:
That's just mean...
Well, if it was sympathy you were after, perhaps you'd have been better to title this thread "made a mug of myself on eBay - check before you bid" instead of trying to give the (mistaken) impression you were somehow treated shabbily by a dishonest seller <shrug> Seriously, a quick Google search (or a question asked here) would have saved you this grief; as it is you're coming across a bit like the kind of eBay buyer who doesn't know what they're bidding on, can't be bothered to find out, but wants to blame everyone else when they realise their mistake. Just sayin'…

@FestoolFishy - there may be a few folks here who might be interested in that set if you were to put it in the 'for sale' section.

shannyla":1ffxf5c2 said:
promhandicam":1ffxf5c2 said:
Lons":1ffxf5c2 said:
ps (note to myself:- read the description VERY carefully if bidding on Studders items :lol: :lol: :lol: )

To which could perhaps be added - don't sell anything to shannyla

That's just mean...

not mean atall can we have your ebay username as i'd like to add you to my banned list !
clk230":doof9kbm said:
not mean atall can we have your ebay username as i'd like to add you to my banned list !

You'll be able to see what his username is IF he leaves feedback, will it be a positive with glowing comments I wonder?

I'd also laugh my shlong off if the seller turned up here

petermillard, clk230, Shane

Not taken our Prozac this afternoon, or just feeling like a pile-on?

As my opening post stated, I accepted that I need to read listings more closely and not hit the Buy It Now button. Secondly, I asked if the listing was as deceptive as I thought it was, and the consensus was that it wasn't, but with some opinion that it wasn't as clear as it could have been, and I accepted the consensus and had decided not to give him negative feedback.

Thirdly, Jacob picked up that he'd tried to sell the set before but without mentioning that there were no cutters included and now he was trying to resell the set after having been called on it by the buyer. In my opinion, that kind of shows that the seller is not exactly as pure as the driven snow, but whatever.

I certainly wasn't looking for sympathy, just some detached opinion that I got and acted on. Sympathy isn't something I go looking for on web forums.
shannyla":3fluts58 said:
Jacob picked up that he'd tried to sell the set before but without mentioning that there were no cutters included and now he was trying to resell the set after having been called on it by the buyer. In my opinion, that kind of shows that the seller is not exactly as pure as the driven snow...

Quite the opposite; it suggests to me that he's already listed it as a 'Festool Domino DS 5/6/8/10 No: 493301 set' and some numpty's bid on it then moaned when they realise it isn't the current 'Festool Domino DS 4/5/6/8/10 No. 495664 set' that includes the cutters. Being a decent sort he's allowed them to cancel the bid and has relisted it, drawing attention to the fact that it doesn't come with the cutters in the hope to avoid the same situation - and yet here we are...

Nobody's 'piling on' btw - this isn't school - but you asked for detached opinion and I was adding mine; like many of us here I've both bought and sold a lot on eBay and it really hacks me off when buyers just don't read what's listed (or bother to research/seek advice) then whinge about rip-offs and fleecing when what they've bought turns out not to be what they expected.

Pay the man and enjoy making things with the doms - or if all else fails...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8ssf-xX ... ature=fvwp

;) Pete

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