Faith in humanity restored

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Grumpy Old Git
21 Oct 2017
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Every now and then a very rare thing happens, a total stranger helps you without wanting anything in return. Due to illnesses that have rendered me disabled money has become a little bit tight in the Garno household. We live off Mrs Garno's pensions and my ESA, we pay full rent and at the moment full council tax and have little left over.
From what we do have left Mrs G gives me a little amount each month so I can blow it on woodworking tools and maybe some wood, As a result it takes me a long time to get even the basic tools that most woodworkers take for granted. I posted something about a "strange problem" I had encountered strange-problem-t117239.html and it came to light that I did not in fact own a plane.
Some of you may recall that BarnettJacob mentioned he had a spare one and if I gave him my address he would happily send it to me.
About 15 minutes ago someone from Hermes knocked on my door with a package, inside was a lovely sharpened plane, there was no letter, no request for payment of the plane nor a request for payment to cover the postage, I am so taken aback. people tend to offer things on forums when there is something in it for them, in other words if they can benefit from it, those who do things with no reward in mind tend to want to at least cover their costs (Which is only right) yet BarnettJacob has asked for neither.
BarnettJacob you are a true gentleman, you are a man of your word and you have gone a long way to restoring my faith in humanity, Thank you again.
I am going to ask everyone who reads this a big big favour, could you please show your appreciation to BarnettJacob and click either the like or the thanks buttons, I know a lot of you will also think just that little bit better about humanity, and remember that sometimes it is the simplest of things that can mean the most.
Awesome response everyone, over 30 "likes and thanks" in less than 24 hours :shock:
A big THANK YOU goes out to you all.
I wish to also thank the mods for allowing the post in it's entirety, as I am not totally sure if asking for likes and thanks is allowed.
Something else has happened since this post, hopefully I will be able to update you all sometime over the next few days as it is relevant.
Also BM101 I have sent you a PM let me know if you don't receive it.
Just a quick update,
I mentioned on my previous post in this thread that something else had happened, I am pleased that I am now in a position to let you all know what it was.
BM101 contacted me with a lovely message, I am not going to repeat it in its entirety but I am happy to go over a few of the things that are very relevant to this post. He mentioned that there are many a good folk who are members of this forum site, more so than a lot of others. On a few occasions he has been sent various items free of charge, he has never asked for them, it's just the extremely kind nature of some members that have sent him stuff. He went on to say how he was totally bowled over by the generosity shown by total strangers.
As a result of the kindness shown to him he felt he would like to replicate it and as such wanted my address, he wanted to send me a plane he had that gets very little use these days. Today I received a well wrapped parcel and inside was a lovely looking plane, The plane was wrapped in some lovely thick leather to be used for stropping, also inside was a trend double sided diamond stone and a block of honing compound. He also included a lovely hand written letter (I thought it was an invoice at first :shock: ) and has requested no payment at all. Because of the kindness shown to him it has allowed him to show kindness elsewhere, Eventually I will be able to send stuff out to other needy woodworkers an allow the cycle to continue.
I have sent BM101 a pm to show my gratitude but wanted to share this kind gesture with his peers, random acts of kindness to strangers is a rare thing, but not so rare on these forums.
Thank you
Once again members of these forums have shown why we should never give up, we should never give up believing that kindness from strangers does exist.
Just over 8 years ago I had my own business and everything was looking fine, then out of the blue I suffered a massive breakdown, my mental health deteriorated to such an extent I had no control over anything I was doing. I started spending money at an alarming rate due to the fact that I totally lost what the value of money actually was, it may sound strange but I could no longer recognise any difference between £1 and £100. It was during this time that I lost my business, my savings and my house and car, this is the time when I needed my friends more than at anything. Every single person I know turned their back on me with the exception of my wife and one friend. About 6 years ago my physical health took a blow and I now have a shortened bowel, one lung as well as COPD on that. I am undergoing some intense treatment regards my mental health but I do believe it is getting better, it will be many more years but it will become right again.

Due to the various things that have happened and the time things happened one of the symptoms has been that I have zero trust in people, I genuinely believe that there is no good in people and struggle to recognise kindness when it is presented. The reason I am telling you all this is to try and give you an idea of how much I appreciate both the kindness shown and the gifts sent to me. The fact that it is total strangers doing these things makes it mean so much more, I had truly lost all faith in humanity, I am being forced to view things differently and it is all down to strangers.

Last week I was asking about making a concave on a piece of wood and if I needed a spokeshave to do it with. El-Barto sent me a message asking for my address as he had a spare one that he no longer uses, today I received a parcel with a nicely sharpened spokeshave in it. I feel humbled by this and as with the other gifts I have received I wanted to share my joy with you all, these random acts of kindness shown to me by total strangers mean more to me than anything you can imagine.

I am sorry for going on a bit, but felt I had to let you all know why I publicly thank those who have gifted me.
Thank you everyone

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