Face mask recommendations


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Established Member
18 Nov 2009
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Deanston, a stones throw from the Distillery
Greetings folks,
I have decided it is about time i invested in a proper face/breathing protection unit, and I would like some recommendations please :) Unfortunately, my budget can't stretch to a full powered ventilated system, so passive device it must be.
As I occasionally do a little turning, a face shield would be handy alongside the respiratory unit.
I came across this at Axi, and although it looks a little MasterChief-y, it looks like it might do the job
http://www.axminster.co.uk/3m-6000-full ... rod839417/

What alternatives should I consider? Or would this do the job nicely? At some point, I intend to do a small amount of (guitar) spraying, so the full-face unit with optional filters appeals,

That looks ok to me, but you should check what impact resistance the visor is for when turning. You could keep your eyes open on ebay for a full respirator.
I have just purchased the Trend Airshield Pro, although it is expensive, but what price for lung and eye safety? Shop around, as I got over 25% off the list price.

There are also good reviews for the Drager device at around £100, on the Screwfix website.
The trend 'AirAce' might suit, you can get a visor that clips on, ideal for turning. I use one or a moldex 8000 which is a little more compact and you can change the filter cartridges to vapour/ carbon filters. Personally I find the trend more comfortable. Maybe cause I've a big snozzle :D

Are the full face respirators compatabile with spectacles ?

I'm guessing yet but very uncomfortable.
If you only do a bit of turning I would seriously consider getting a separate face mask for that, as (to me) it is quite annoying having that layer of plastic in front of your eyes all the time if you don't absolutely need it.

I use a moldex mask


which works well and is as comfortable as can be expected. When I am turning or grinding I use a face shield which goes quite easily over the top.
Thanks for all the advice folks. Unfortunately, there isnt quite a consensus.... I had considered the half mask/shield combo, but I find that (due to my preference for contact lenses over specs) the merest whiff of dust in my eyes can be very irritating indeed (i.e. profuse watering, not just annoyance!), hence the full-face option. Having not worn one before, I cant comment on the plastic being a nuisance or not to myself.
As for the Trend AirShield, it is a wee bit more expensive, and according to the spec, it offers no greater impact resistance than the 3M. The powered airflow might come in handy I suppose.
Mr_P":22iztcez said:
Are the full face respirators compatabile with spectacles ?

I'm guessing yet but very uncomfortable.

The powered airflow ones are perfect with spec's, and they keep you very cool in the summer (when we get them :roll: ).


+1 for the modlex 8000. I have one and it's very comfortable to wear, the ease of replacing filters was a big bonus for me. Also I have yet to notice any misting up of any glasses/goggles even after half hour or so of wearing at a time.

For general light work I have a pair of standard safety specs but if I have doing a large amount of sawing or anything that will get really dusty I use these http://www.amazon.co.uk/DeWalt-GOGG...=UTF8&colid=3N9CH6IIJ8C44&coliid=IVAJLMTZ68B9. They have the impact resistance still and make a nice seal.
Mike.C":30rskmy8 said:
Mr_P":30rskmy8 said:
Are the full face respirators compatabile with spectacles ?

I'm guessing yet but very uncomfortable.

The powered airflow ones are perfect with spec's, and they keep you very cool in the summer (when we get them :roll: ).



+1. 8)
After years of having to decide between either wearing glasses and breathing dust, or a dust mask and not being able to wear my specs. (which instantly steam up with any dust mask), the Trend Airshield has solved the problem.
I already have a serious lung disease and I sweat heavilly and I wear specs. I tried everything with various amounts of success but eventually ended up with the Bradwest Aircap Advance.

Expensive, but the best I could find.


Forgot to say that I also suffer from Rhinitis (hayfever's non-allergic big brother) and hayfever itself, so it's a damn good add-on to the anti-histamine pills and sprays when cutting grass and using a hedge trimmer!

AND, the exhaust from most domestic vacuum cleaners (even with HEPA filters) can set me off, so I even wear the Aircap on the (rare :wink: ) occasions that I run the vac. around the house!
I'm a bit of a mess as far as health goes, lung trouble is part of the list, I wear glasses and my eyes tend to be somewhat sensitive - so I found that the active ones like the trend airflow made my eyes feel dry and start to water after a few minutes, as the airflow seems to be straight over the brow past them. If you don't get watery eyes standing in a cold breeze then I must say, the feel of breathing perfect fresh air while wearing a safety mask is wonderful from them, and worth the £200+ if you have it. Avoid the Trend ear defender add-ons tho - they're reputed to be awful.

I couldn't afford £200, add to that the mandatory sweatiness of the sealed ones like the 3m 6000 that you linked in the first post - from sealing off the brow, eye and cheek area completely from air flow, and I sort of settled on a cheaper but fairly effective passive solution.

I use a passive but high quality breath mask with filters, a standard face shield - the cheap one from Axminster is actually very good quality, and a pair of behind the head type ear defenders to avoid a fight over where the straps go. It's not as easy to put on and remove as the expensive and powered varieties but it set me back about £50 and I can replace the visor for under a tenner if it gets damaged.

My first breath mask wasn't perfect as the air-exit hole on the model I had tended to sit very flush against the visor on the face shield, so I had to add a little peg to the face mask to stop them lying flat together.

Just my tuppence worth, I know it's a minefield out there with PPE as there are just so many to choose from. The only Flaw in my setup is that it allows fine dust to settle on my brow, eyes and cheeks etc, because they get air flow to stop me sweating, but if there is that much dust around, I've done something wrong with my extractor that needs fixed!

Current stuff links - http://www.axminster.co.uk/axminster-safety-visor-prod29689/

I'm sure you could source similar elsewhere, Axi was just convenient.

+1 for the Airshield Pro.

After going through 3 low to medium priced units and thoughroughly jacked at still not being able to see due to steamed up glasses, I splashed out on the Airshied. Pure bliss! Perfect vision, change the screen protector every month, and a really fresh supply of cool air over the face without drying the eyes. I really should have paid out in the first place in stead of 'working up to it'. Could have saved £80 in the process. I have heard some say its too heavy/noisey, but I hear the radio over the motor and for 2-3 hours use at a time i don't notice it there after 10 minutes. My advice, bite the bullet and cry once.

As a fellow contact lens wearer I went for the 3M 6000 full face mask, and its been great, very easy to use and wear.