Enjoy your breakfast! (Update)


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Always difficult when it's someone you care deeply about. Good luck.

On a related note my missus (a nurse) is due for total hip replacement in a months time. Apparently it's now done with a spinal block instead of a GA (i.e. you are awake, if sedated, for the procedure). She is absolutely bricking it!
From the 'colonies'..tell your young man that I wish him well. Having looked sort of like that, trussed in traction after a motorcycle crash, I have an insight to all the steel bits.
stuartpaul":1jernc63 said:
Always difficult when it's someone you care deeply about. Good luck.

On a related note my missus (a nurse) is due for total hip replacement in a months time. Apparently it's now done with a spinal block instead of a GA (i.e. you are awake, if sedated, for the procedure). She is absolutely bricking it!

Yes...my lad had a spinal block AS WELL as the GA. I think since he's under 10 they do belt and braces to manage the pain. On a related note today is the first time I've eased back on the codeine throttle and he's been med free since 9 this morning. Not even a twinge of pain, even when walking on his frame. These kids heal at a geometric rate, its absolutely amazing how fast they mend.
SWMBO was under the knife last night having her foot screwed back on and that was done under an epidural and a very mild GA/sedative just so she was not aware of what was going on.

Seems to becoming a often used method.

She had something similar (mild GA plus strong local) when her shoulder was repaired a couple of years back.
Random Orbital Bob":1uam14o1 said:
stuartpaul":1uam14o1 said:
Always difficult when it's someone you care deeply about. Good luck.

On a related note my missus (a nurse) is due for total hip replacement in a months time. Apparently it's now done with a spinal block instead of a GA (i.e. you are awake, if sedated, for the procedure). She is absolutely bricking it!

Yes...my lad had a spinal block AS WELL as the GA. I think since he's under 10 they do belt and braces to manage the pain. On a related note today is the first time I've eased back on the codeine throttle and he's been med free since 9 this morning. Not even a twinge of pain, even when walking on his frame. These kids heal at a geometric rate, its absolutely amazing how fast they mend.
He's made of tougher stuff than me Bob, I've got Codiene and other substances coming out of my ears, pleased he's on the mend.

Myfordman":153vz96w said:
SWMBO was under the knife last night having her foot screwed back on and that was done under an epidural and a very mild GA/sedative just so she was not aware of what was going on.

Seems to becoming a often used method.

She had something similar (mild GA plus strong local) when her shoulder was repaired a couple of years back.

Poor love Bob...that's gotta hurt hasn't it....give her my best.

On the note of our better halves, I've just got off the phone with mine and she's doing OK. Hopefully she'll be out late tomorrow. We rushed to A&E yesterday at 5:30 am ish when her temperature spiked at 101. They did a neutrophil count and she was borderline septicaemia. Today they've discovered she has Staph Aureus in her blood as well as an infection in her bronchioles. So no wonder she had a fever. We got their in time though and they're nipping it in the bud, a day later and they reckon she may have had full blown sepsis.

IV antibiotics for a week and tablets to boot. Ironically, the staph infection she has is the exact same bug that the nipper had in the summer the aftermath of which drove the need for his surgery last week. I now have a personal vendetta against every staph bacillus in the universe and intend to acetylene every little git I ever find!!!
Thanks Rob,

Good to know she is on the mend.
I've just got back from hospital visiting my mrs where I found they decide to put the foot back on straight by breaking the ankle off and re-attaching it aided by nuts and bolts.
I too might have her back tomorrow depends if she sleeps well tonight.
I've a similar vendetta against lupus which has caused her to have 17 rebuilding operations in the last 16 years.
Some b'strd bug are just not satisfied by causing a couple of problems!!
Glad the lad is on the mend Rob, your family needs a few breaks, you must have the constitution of an Ox to provide the support for the Lad and Swmbo at the same time, knowing how much personal family pressure is radiating from a more distant family member with similar problems I can only take my hat off to you for holding up under the pressure.
well I wont pretend its not been absolutely horrible this last 6 months but I will say that the support and kindness I've had from family, friends and people I've never even met on this forum has positively humbled me. Every now and then, despite all the personal demons one has to face, it is heart warming to rediscover the abundance of humanity that's just under the surface of every day folk.

If there's a silver lining in all of this then that's it for sure.
Condolences to all our ill and suffering folks and here's wishing a speedy recovery.
I had two major ops last year - a 7.5hrs one and a 2.5hrs where spinal blocks, plus large doses of local to the kidneys areas and a GA were used.
They also used keyhole surgery and I was relatively pain free and when needed I was given IV Paracetamol. I was given morphine a couple of times but didn't get on with that.
However on a subsequent visit, antibiotics triggered off CDifficile which placed me in isolation and on the "risk" register.
This effectively means I can no longer be given any antibiotics orally ( as these will kill off the good bugs keeping CDiff at bay) and with any subsequent infections will have to spend a week or so in hospital being treated IV.
Until test results come back clear, I am put at the end of any required scan lists as the rooms and machines have to be "deep cleaned" after my visit. This often means I have to wait several days for a scan as emergences push me back.
Not a major problem for me but adds to the Hospitals logistics when I'm being treated and all resulting from a nasty bug which most of us (unknowingly and harmlessly) carry.

A quick update on the Orbital Bob family woes.

Yesterday was SWMBO's last chemotherapy session so that's going to result in a bottle of the bubbly stuff this weekend. Little Bob's leg is causing a few worries still as he has a mild infection but its not an abscess like in the summer and is generally on the mend and he is now weight bearing. We went on a short walk last weekend and he managed about 1/4 mile without crutches which was fabulous. Mrs Bob's still facing surgery so its not all over yet but some of the darker clouds are lifting.

I've had numerous PM's and well wishes including some very generous gifts through the post from people I've never even met. I'd like to thank you all again for your kindness and support.

Been in hospital Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week...today I'm going in the garage and tomorrow Bob, Terry and Bill are coming round (Myfordman, Wizard9999 and Yewtube) and we're going to mess about with lathe 3 phase motors and inverters whilst munching chocolate hob nobs and drinking tea....bloody marvellous :)

Today, I'm noticing the daffodils :)
Random Orbital Bob":3991hg42 said:
A quick update on the Orbital Bob family woes.
Today, I'm noticing the daffodils :)

Good news mate =D>
Best wishes to you and yours :D
That's very good news Bob, thanks for the update.
Looks like it's going to be a nice weekend for you, playing around with Bob, Terry and Bill, munching hobnobs and drinking tea, oh and not forgetting the bubbly! enjoy it mate, you deserve a break.

All the very best
Random Orbital Bob":3ef96b3u said:
......Been in hospital Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week...today I'm going in the garage and tomorrow Bob, Terry and Bill are coming round (Myfordman, Wizard9999 and Yewtube) and we're going to mess about with lathe 3 phase motors and inverters whilst munching chocolate hob nobs and drinking tea....bloody marvellous :)

Today, I'm noticing the daffodils :)
Yes daffodils much in our thoughts here too Rob, both in the pleasure they are giving in the garden and countryside and the symbol we are glad to wear in support of the behind the scenes support so much appreciated by many. Glad the little man is progressing, although that in its own right will no doubt increase the personal work load, albeit in happier exploits.

Enjoy your "Boys time" in the shed, a complete break from the current traumas can be just the fillet to keep the spirits up.

Gloating about munching on chocolate hobnobs was a bit below the belt though, says he who is on a calorie counting regime, 5 kilos down and a few more to go if possible.