Competition 063/10 Waka - Cherry Cabinet

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Established Member
27 Jul 2003
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Nottingham, England
The wood for this project is cherry and it's going to be a cabinet for my downstairs cloakroom.

Measurements are approximately 35" x 33" x 10", i will incorporate two drawers with handcut dovetails with cupboard below.

Where does the curve come in I hear you say, well the top will have a slight curve on the front, I just hope this meets the judges interpretation of a curve.

The pic below is the selection of rough sawn stock that I have chosen.

Now its cut I can put it through the trusty PT and take it from 1" to 3/4"

Now down to thickness size.

A little tickle is called for here to get the sides parallel, out with the new Veritas LA BU Jointer with the fence and in no time all nicely done.

I have to say the LV LA BU Jointer is a work of art, so far got to be my best buy of 2006

That's enough for now, will continue tomorrow. seems to be a focus thing with me today, next ones will be better.
Things have been rather slow this week, but I've made a little head way on the cabinet.
Came time to take the plunge and clue up the carcase, I haven't secured the top yet, this will come later when I figure out how to do it.

Next stage is the doors, I was going to do raised panels but I'm getting a bit low on Cherry so I've decided to go for cherry veneered 6mm MDF the same as the back panel. The doors are resting nicely in the clamps and to my surprize all is square.

For securing the doors I have used pivot hinges, I've never used these before so it presented a challenge on getting it right the first time, routing into the doors and frame can be unforgiving if you get it wrong. I was quite pleased with the results although it took me all yesterday mornng to mount the doors.

I have mounted locks on the doors, still have to get some escutcheons for the door front, I think a trip to Issac Lord iscalled for on the way back to work.
Only got the drawers left to do, these will be done when I come back from work.

The storage part of the competition is covered with this entry, but I'm not to sure about the curve, there is a slight curve on the front of the top, also the front bottom facia has a curve routed into it.


So judges, please let me know if it fully meets the requirements to be entered into the competition.
Things have been rather slow this week, but I've made a little head way on the cabinet.
Came time to take the plunge and clue up the carcase, I haven't secured the top yet, this will come later when I figure out how to do it.

Next stage is the doors, I was going to do raised panels but I'm getting a bit low on Cherry so I've decided to go for cherry veneered 6mm MDF the same as the back panel. The doors are resting nicely in the clamps and to my surprize all is square.

For securing the doors I have used pivot hinges, I've never used these before so it presented a challenge on getting it right the first time, routing into the doors and frame can be unforgiving if you get it wrong. I was quite pleased with the results although it took me all yesterday mornng to mount the doors.

I have mounted locks on the doors, still have to get some escutcheons for the door front, I think a trip to Issac Lord iscalled for on the way back to work.
Only got the drawers left to do, these will be done when I come back from work.

The storage part of the competition is covered with this entry, but I'm not to sure about the curve, there is a slight curve on the front of the top, also the front bottom facia has a curve routed into it.


So judges, please let me know if it fully meets the requirements to be entered into the competition.
having been away a month earning a crust, I'm now back home and can get on with my competition piece.

This is how it was left a month ago.


I only had the two drawers to make and thought I'd dust off the leigh jig (not used it for about 5 years)
By the time I'd set this up and did a test peice, which wasn't to my liking i could have done them by hand.

So refreshing myself with the Bob Cosman DVD I started to tackle the dovetails.
Tails completed for one drawer


And now onto the pins.


Somewhere under the clamps are the two drawers.


This is one of the drawers put together, the DT didn't turn out too bad although I'm thankful for sawdust and clue.

Tomorrows plan is to sand and fit the false front on the drawers. At this rate I should meet the time deadline.
Well I've managed to make the deadline with a few days to spare, I was getting a bit worried after the mistakes I've made during this project.

Straight forward cabinet, cupboards with locks and two drawers.

The wood is cherry and the finish is numerous coats of finishing oil with a light rub down between coats.

So I think I've covered the storage requirement but not to sure about the curve requirements, as can be seen here there is a slight curve in the front of the top. If it doesn't meet the criteria then never mind,


Drawers have hand cut dovetails back and front which I have to say, (even though time consuming) a joy to make


This the front view.


While making this I have also been completely revamping the downstairs cloakroom which inspired me to make the cabinet in the first place, the only problem is that it will only be on display to those who sit on the throne.
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