I am looking for a combination plane for when it is not worth buying a router cutter, or setting up the router table. I envisage using it predominantly for putting beadings on small/thin pieces, a bit of rebating/grooving, possibly tongue and grooving some boards. My priority is for use on small boards- probably absolute max 3/4" thick, but more likely for use on things that are 3/8" or slightly less- trays for inside boxes etc.
What stanley or record (or others) numbers are the ones to look for? I want a user, rather than a collectors piece, so don't want to pay a premium just for rarity! I have a record 043 (brilliant), can i get alternative blades for it?
What stanley or record (or others) numbers are the ones to look for? I want a user, rather than a collectors piece, so don't want to pay a premium just for rarity! I have a record 043 (brilliant), can i get alternative blades for it?