cat's eyes

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Established Member
20 Feb 2004
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In the eternally wet North
On a section of the A4103 I noticed, at night, in my rear view mirror that the cats eyes seemed quite bright. This perplexed me as there weren't any cars driving the other way. I assumed that it was my rear number plae light although I didn't quite believe it as normally they are pretty dim.

So I checked my rear number plate light and other lights at the rear and none seemed bright enough. I let it rest.

But it still niggled me and I became convinced that it was the light of the moon and that they were ultra-efficient cats eyes.

Then I realised that they were still very bright even when there was no moon. So, one night, while there was no-one else on the road I turned off all my lights as I was driving along and to my great surprise the cats eyes were still lit!

The only conclusion I could come to is that they are actually lit up and are LEDs or something similar. Has anyone else seen something similar?
Yeah, they have started using solar powered LED's in parts of West Yorkshire. They are far superior. You can see the road ahead for hundreds of metres.
The most annoying thing is that the continentals don't appear to use them on their roads, LED or otherwise. Having done a couple of touring holidays now I can't ever recollect seeing them anywewhere in France, Germany or Switzerland...unless anyone else has seen them abroad? - Rob
You are right Rob. I can't understand why they don't use them in the rest of Europe :? Last year we were driving back from France at night and there was torrential rain and I really couldn't see where I was going because of the absence of cats eyes. When the road is wet the white lane markings simply don't show up.

Cheers :wink:

Yes solar powered - they did a trial on the old A30 a few years ago and they are still going strong.

They are more expensive that the non powered types so will generally only be used on the more dangerous locations.
They are certainly very effective.

I seem to remember them while driving down to south wales, but can't remember exactly where. :?