Bureau Fittings


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Established Member
20 Jun 2011
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Just bought a cheap second hand bureau and I need some fittings.
I don't know what they're called but it fits onto the drop leaf and pulls the bars out.

So any one know what they're called and any possible suppliers.


I took a bureau apart a while ago, which had that arrangement. It was only one short and one long bit of steel strip with, I think, a couple of pivots and a couple of strips of thinly-plated steel. IIRC, the lopers didn't come out very far, not to the front edge of the drop-front, certainly. They were also a lot looser than the pull-out sort tend to be, but that might just be wear or poor construction (it wasn't a high-quality piece!).

I think I threw out the pair I took off it (wanted the oak really). If I can find them I'll take a pic. I'd like to keep them as patterns, but would probably make something better in brass if I ever did a drop-front that way, or I'd use a different arrangement altogether. Point being that you could make some fairly easily with common materials - brass bar or strip would look a lot nicer.
Many thanks for your responses.
Now I know the pull outs are called lopers that helped hugely.

I found https://www.ukworkshop.co.uk/forums/mechanism-for-a-drop-lid-buruau-t26841.html which is more complex than the original I think.

Marshall's seem to have everything for cabinet work. If I don't find any thing googling I'll email them.

I did find some parts on etsy but he would only ship in the US.

Now I know what to look for jobs done.



Edit: I think some modified flap stays would be a good starting point.