bit of detective work needed please

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Established Member
24 Jan 2009
Reaction score
Overlooking Cardiff
Hi all,

i've been asked to replace the box sashes and casement windows on this property which was build in 1900 (big plaque on the side, built by RW....haven't found out who that is yet)

The sashes and casements are the easy bit. However, the customer asked me to take a look at the black 'outer' framework. The cill has been covered in lead at some point and i'm assuming it was added at a later date compared to the leadwork running along and past the head of the black frame.

The stiles on the frame are a little rotten where it meets the cill and the customer wants to know if the whole thing needs replacing. I'm not entirely sure to be honest but firstly i need to know if this black 'outer' frame is structural? If it is then i wouldn't know where to start in getting it replaced or repaird if at all possible and who could do it.

The customer has also asked me to look at the rest of the woodwork. You can see the rot that has set in where the satelitte dish is. Apparently the fella that fitted it from SKY had a very difficult time attaching it and the dish waves around in the wind all the time. Similar areas have had repairs made to it and i want to know how i would go about it.....unless its very tricky.

The customer is having scafolding put up as they are replacing the roof which is full of rot etc so they want the work done whilst this is up for the next few months.

Your help and advice is greatly appreciated. The property is in Sully, 15 mins outside Cardiff if anyone wants to take a closer look that could advise on the best cause of action etc.

Here are the pictures.....

bedroom 1, first floor. Notice the lead covering the cill. Stiles are starting to rot where it meets the cill. The cill underneath the lead is huge. Massive drip groove that i can fit my thumb in to!

top floor bedroom casement windows ... otostream/

top floor box sashes. more lead on the 'outer' frame ... otostream/

inside 1st floor windows. new shutters added at some point which i hope the customer will want to change or remove completly ... otostream/

rotten area where satelite dish is. You can see where it has been repaired previously.....can this be done again easily enough? ... otostream/

large cill of outer frame which is covered in lead. sash window directly behind.....will i have a problem removing the box sashes and changing them with the 'outer' frame still in place? ... otostream/

view of all the windows ... otostream/

more of the cills ... otostream/

this is the whole house which was divided into 1/3 (on right) and 2/3 (on left) as you can see by the fence. The person living on the right is not doing anything to their part and is actually trying to sell it ... otostream/

where stile meets the cill. lots of paint which is peeling off ... otostream/

So, what do you think? The customer wants all the windows changed for double glazed. No problem there. But they want the 'outer' frame looked at and repaired/replaced but i just dont have a clue where to start with them. Are they structural? I think they would be.

Also, what about the timber by the SKY dish.....and the rest. Can this be easily replaced? What ar ethey fixed too? Would i run the risk of taking of the decorative render? I'd call someone in to do it personally.

Your help is very much appreciated.

This is where builders can get a bad name Mike, 'cos if you quote 'non-structural' and it is, you have to go back for a price increase.
In my experience with a property of that age it could be structural or non-structural.
I've met both types on the same property!
Looking at your first pic again Mike can you see if there is a join between the front timbers and the main part by looking edge on from the casement side?
If the front fascias are decorative I would not expect them to be more than one inch thick.

If you have rot in the legs and it hasn`t deflected that`s good. Would have a look under floorboards and see if any clues as to its construction are visible. Then would drill a small hole to see how thick timber was. Then would think about drilling bigger hole and putting in a camera depending on results of two previous investigations.
All the best