Ants in lawn

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The Bear

Established Member
10 Sep 2007
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Anyone had any success at getting rid of them? I've tried a few powders from the garden centre (though can't remember exactly which products) with little success. Boiling water is the other thing tried. I'm fed up of laying on the grass and them crawling over me and the dog

I think you are going to have to import some proper stuff from the States (if you can, that is). I did hear about using semolina powder which the ants are supposed to like, take back to the queen as a 'feast' and when she eats it, the semolina swells up and kills her. Not had much success TBH.
Can't help but I'll willingly swap them for my mole problem, caught 11 of the blighters in the last week

What makes you think I don't have moles?

I'm surprised you have caught that many, they are solitary unless mating and very territorial. I usually find when I catch one I don't get another for ages, until a new one happens upon my empty network of tunnels and moves in. Or you must have a massive garden ;-)

Leave the ants for the birds and get yourself one of these for you and the dog, keep you out of their reach (very comfy too) :lol:

Cheers, Paul
Got a bit over an acre so very lucky. I don't like killing moles but the damage the cause is out too much to accept and I've tried to catch them in live traps which just don't work. Have a large field one side and neighbours paddock on the other both with a healthy population of moles. Most are in the paddock though a couple have encroached in to the garden so war has been declared.

Went back to using std tunnel (Duffers) traps a few weeks ago and got the odd one and however careful I was they were often just filled with soil by the little b*ggers. Bought 5 "Talpex" type traps - ... EBIDX%3AIT which are a completely different method and all but 1 of the 11 caught so far have been in those. I have a total 7 traps set and haven't checked yet today.

Moles are solitary but use main often very old tunnels as common highways so they'll keep coming back.


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You are trying the impossible - best not to sit on the grass but use loungers.
I only kill the ones that are trying to invade the house and use an ant bait and residual spray to form a barrier.

Regarding moles, I've had good success with these when laid correctly (which is the key) ... 1_2&sr=8-2

Caught 4 in 3 weeks and not seen one now for months. Wish I'd done it earlier, they devastated a freshly leveled and seeded quarter of an acre over several years, but I had a live and let live mentality until they migrated to the main 'lawn' at which point my neighbour came over and instructed me on their use and haven't looked back.
Used to do quite a bit of mole catching on the farm when I was a kid, but don't generally bother now unless they are really a nuisance. Which they were in our last house, built on really heavy boulder clay. Laid a flag path up the garden, on carefully levelled sand bed, beautiful job, nice and level. A few days later, the flags were all over the place - blasted moles thought the sand was perfect for creating easy runs and were heaving the flags all over the place. So it was delve in the shed for 70 year old traps and problem generally sorted.

Have been told that peeing into the runs puts them off, but didn't seem to work :D (fortunately, we didn't have near neighbours)
We get loads in our garden and they don't like liquid washing up soap in their eyes!!

Boiling water looses the temp almost as soon as it hits the soil and provides them with a nice handy on site water supply, but once again, chuck some soap in it and it destroys their waxy coating a drowns the poor likkle things :mrgreen:

I also use 12% active liquid chlorine in our swimming pool, in 25 kG bottles, and have a small squirty bottle of it for other jobs and they don't like a bit of that down their hole!
SimonB":1h07m6wl said:
Regarding moles, I've had good success with these when laid correctly (which is the key) ... 1_2&sr=8-2

Caught 4 in 3 weeks and not seen one now for months. Wish I'd done it earlier, they devastated a freshly leveled and seeded quarter of an acre over several years, but I had a live and let live mentality until they migrated to the main 'lawn' at which point my neighbour came over and instructed me on their use and haven't looked back.
I have a few of those Simon but might be poor quality versions as I didn't find them as good as the duffers traps. The Talpex one though work on difficult moles as they are set differently. You fill around the trap with loose soil so the doent smell or sense the trap and they set it off when they push the soil upwards.
I got another one this morning so that's 12 in 8 days so far.
2 of the locations have each caught 3 moles in quick succession which rather proves they share some of the tunnels.

dickm":1w8fftam said:
Have been told that peeing into the runs puts them off, but didn't seem to work :D (fortunately, we didn't have near neighbours)

Awe c'mon...I've just spilt my coffee when I read that. :lol: Not a mental picture I want to experience a second time... please! #-o
Are we on about ants, or moles?
I don't suffer moles. My ground, I suspect, is too stony.
Arsenic is a sure-fire remedy for ants. if you can persuade your pharmacist to let you sign he poisons book! :mrgreen:

Browned patches on your lawn |Dick? :lol:

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