Pete, I'd love to at some point. If I run before I can walk I might just end up breaking my ankle mate.
I have the everlasting bench build ready to go in the shed. Top needs a flatten. My planing's come on sufficiently that I'm now confident without using the router jig and strings method that I planned because I was clueless enough to glue the top up without planing to find grain direction. Oops. I've learned about sharp. Lets leave that one alone. I've made a few clangers. Bought a bit of kit I shouldn't have. Looked an idiot occasionally. Fair play.
Legs, stretchers and bearers are all glued and planed up. (grain matching by that point. God Bless Paddy Roxburgh for being a Gentleman and not laughing at me when I turned up at his workshop to thicken the top and he asked me and I went '....erm' ). I've even cut the leg vice curves (quite pleased! Woo!) and the wooden jaws for the end vice. I'm onto the bit I used to dread, the joints and fitting it all together. I don't fear it now. I'm really looking forward to it. I just don't have the physical time to do it. New Job, lot more involved etc. I won't bore you. We all have problems.
What I've learned is stop reading start doing. I'd forgotten that somewhere along the way. What I'd like to do is take Custards advice really and become proficient. I used to plane doors for the house, cut skirtings etc. I'd do it alright to be fair, better than some chippys work I've seen. I have a pretty good hand and a pretty good eye. But I did it like I play pool. I'd play pool and I'd never play slow enough even if I knew I'd win the game by the snooker or the slow pot. Then, Smack it!
I've seen the old hands give the advice enough that finally it sank in. Slow and steady. Appreciate it. Try and understand what you're doing. Go for accuracy from setting out to constant rechecking at every stage. It's been a lesson that's hardwon. But the more I do it the more I understand it. You know you're
beginning to understand something when you realise how little you know. Maybe... :?
Blimey. Now that Therapy Hour is over lets all breathe and have a pint. So yeh Pete, I'd love to make a saw like that. Might take a while though.
You know you're getting old when you write posts that take you the same time it used to take to get drunk. Twice.
Wuffles. Don't even start mate.