And Here is the News

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Established Member
14 Oct 2011
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I’m sufficiently old to remember the news being read out in BBC English so that you didn’t have to interpret different regional accents and allowed everyone a good chance of understanding what’s being said. Now, ah nawt agin ah dialect bein a tyke me-sen.

I also remember when journalists would look at a story and research it fully to present as far as possible an unbiased perspective rather than the sounds bites of personal opinions and emotional outpouring of individuals.

Today, I’m extremely sceptical of all main steam news media who all seem to have retrenched to cheap, factually thin sound bite reporting.

I wonder, am I unique or do others feel let down by the standards of journalism these days or indeed can recommend a proper source of real news?
Channel 4 is good. Probably why they are selling it off - to shut it up.
Guardian is past it and very feeble. Make more sense to read the Times but be cautious about taking anything for granted.
Can't say I'm bothered about BBC english. Regional accents tend to stay the same but so-called "proper" english accents change quite a lot - listen to old newscasts, they don't half sound plummy and out of date!
I get frustrated by the lack of scrutiny that interviewers do on MPs these days

It also annoys me that there is a lack of transparency -BBC and other news channels have people on programmes that are introduced as "experts" but its not mentioned when they work for think tanks which are really lobby groups -so their answers are biased, but we are given to think they are non partisan experts in the field.
I have a generally very low opinion of the news media who seem to:
  • select stories based on maximising audience (print or TV),
  • dumb down the presentation close to a lowest common denominator
  • use emotion rather than rational analysis to drive the presentation
  • seem intent on creating a political agenda rather than reporting upon it
The only paper which consistently seems to report objectively is the Financial Times - possibly because unambiguous thoughtful report and analysis is the key to making the best financial decisions - the main reason the paper exists.
I am absolutely sick of listening to 'news' . Being half deaf is a great benefit to me It means if I don't focus on what's being said I can ignore the TV. All the news programs and discussion programs about the news each presenting some view based on political bias. It's a mental assault.
I didn't like news even as a child, right up to present day, I'm particularly sick of how climate change is forced into every single programme and every single opportunity they get, another thing is the obsession with news presenters as celebrities, this needs to stop right now, if anything it just makes me dislike them even more because they aren't worthy of celebrity status, they just present the news.
This is my handy little news resource
All the newspapers for the Planet of Earth.
Thats an interesting link. Have you found any news outlets that are less biased than the UK? I am so dissolutioned with the way that recent world events have been covered, sensationalist head lines with the caviat 'A source claims' being the norm. It would be refreshing to find somewhere that just reports the facts.
I didn't like news even as a child, right up to present day, I'm particularly sick of how climate change is forced into every single programme and every single opportunity they get, another thing is the obsession with news presenters as celebrities, this needs to stop right now, if anything it just makes me dislike them even more because they aren't worthy of celebrity status, they just present the news.
I don't think climate change is forced on us enough. We are probably past the point of no return, 20 or more years too late to do anything.
As a young lad, I'd listen to the bbc and voa on am radio, thinking it was the bees knees.
Nowadays, I'm more in the “Rope. Tree. Journalist. Some assembly required” camp.
(Yes, it's a joke...but you get the idea)
As a young lad, I'd listen to the bbc and voa on am radio, thinking it was the bees knees.
Nowadays, I'm more in the “Rope. Tree. Journalist. Some assembly required” camp.
(Yes, it's a joke...but you get the idea)
BBC news is very establishment biased but they make up for it with lots of interesting discussion progs and documentaries about issues. You have to search them out - Radio Times mag is good.
e.g. Laurie Taylor Thinking Aloud or current affairs; Putin
Jacob is right, we are more than likely past the point of being able to recover from the damage we have caused and all because the people in positions of power don't want to rock the boat or upset what ever years they have left, if they can complete their lives without major impact then they just leave the issues to the next generation. There was a program the other morning about the oil giants and their scientist were talking about the impacts they would have on the planet thirty years ago but rather than come clean they just funded the people who would support conspiracy theories instead because there was a lot of money to be made. To solve global warming you need to solve global greed but how many wealthy people have strings attached to the media so as to sway opinion in the right direction, it is not only politicians who are corrupt and use the media to deliver misleading info. How often do you see reporters puting their stance on a topic rather than being neutral, happens all to often and all to clear to see what side a reporter is on, they need reigning in and just deliver the facts without bias or opinion. The news is happy to cover the Boris saga and that he has lied and misled parliament but what about Boris lying to the world at COP26 where he was preaching to others about the use of dirty fossil fuels and yet it looks like he is happy to resume coal mining in Cumbria, that has not made the news so obviously there must be certain criteria and global warming and the enviroment are just fill ins when there is nothing else.
We like Attenborough . Lions eating gazelles and such...:) Excellent diction!
Yes he's very watchable. Can't stand the background music though - seems to be even worse with Attenborough. If I wanted to listen to mad irrelevant music whilst watching a documentary I could play my own banjo!
It ought to be optional like sub-titles but there would be no takers I think.
We like Attenborough . Lions eating gazelles and such
That made me think of all the Tv advertisments we get for sponsoring animals that are being targeted by poachers, lions, tigers, Rhino's etc and asking for money to help support their cause which has no hope of solving the problem. What they need is to sponsor some merceneries who will target the poachers, that would make some real news, I wonder what reporters they would use to cover the story!

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