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Established Member
20 Feb 2004
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In the eternally wet North
Why is it that... can only get plastic knives in the airside restaurants but as soon as you get on board your plane, you get nice metal ones with your grub?

...when travelling inside Vietnam, you are not supposed to put money, jewellery, movie cameras or video tapes inside your checked baggage but you CAN carry scissors, knives, firearms and ammunition inside your carry on luggage? put your liquids inside a plastic bag but if you don't bother to carry it in view but put it inside your carry on luggage no-one is any the wiser. Which means, of course, that sonny-terrorist can do the same with his liquid explosive.
Don't tell anyone, but I sneaked a 120ml bottle of contact lens solution through Gatwick recently. I peeled the label off so it wasn't obvious that it was 120 not 100...

One the way back, at Freetown, they did inspect our hand luggage, asked if we had 5000 Leones in it (a bribe of about 90p - no I jolly well didn't, I was trying to do my bit to fix the country, not reinforce the culture of corruption!) confiscated our water bottles but didn't even find the saline (360ml)!

Steve wrote:
Don't tell anyone, but I sneaked a 120ml bottle of contact lens solution through Gatwick recently.

Now that wasn't very clever was it? No more trips stateside for you matey! You'll be on America's terrorist list now!


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