Hi there, just after some advice on fixing these battens in a frame to make a door for use outdoors:
I was just going to glue and screw, but I've just learnt about breadboard ends:
Should I carry on and fix to the back 'rail' with dowel / screw /glue?
Or try to use a fixing allowing for movement (as in the second picture) of the batten between the covering strip and the back rail?
Hope that's explained things. Grateful if anyone can help me recover from this newbie error!
I was just going to glue and screw, but I've just learnt about breadboard ends:
Should I carry on and fix to the back 'rail' with dowel / screw /glue?
Or try to use a fixing allowing for movement (as in the second picture) of the batten between the covering strip and the back rail?
Hope that's explained things. Grateful if anyone can help me recover from this newbie error!