A Nice Day out


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Richard T

Established Member
24 Apr 2009
Reaction score
Wet Midlands
We've just had a very nice day out indeed.

We went to Mac Timbers open day to get some posh wood for plane infills. Never did I dream that so many would be there considering the time of year and that it was blowing a gale but it was pretty much at capacity.
I had taken along my coffin smoother shell and the new bench plane I'm working on as well as two handles I've made from Elm to do offering up measurements. I didn't think people would be much interested - I was wrong. :shock:

First stall along in the Village Hall was stuffed with beautiful chisels and gouges, turning tools, three Carter mitres and the latest Bill Carter Jointer. The one with the Yew handle that had the knot where the finger hole is...


And behind that sat Brian Jackson who's stall it was, and another Original Carter - well it was Bill Carter. :eek: Deep as he was in speaks with lots of people as you can imagine, I moved down to a stall run by one Richard Arnold. Covered in Norrises it was, including this one ...


... that Bill had copied the handle from for the one above.
By this time Emma had decided that people probably would be interested in my plane making fumblings and turned up with the shells and what not. There were Oooos and Ahhhs a plenty and lots and lots of questions. Eventually someone wrestled Bill from the clutches of someone else to come and look and I'm very relieved to say he was very complimentary. :) We had several long talks throughout the afternoon and I've learnt a lot. Probably taught Bill a lesson too ... don't talk to that eejit etc..
I thought it was about time we looked at some wood, so we took the bits up to the loft to do some measuring and every one up there kind of noticed the planes. It took quite a long time.
I finished up with £69 worth of English Wallnut. I've put it straight out in the garage tonight to be in a similar environment as that from wence it came but I'll try to get some photos tomorrow.
We went to have a demo of the saw mills and on the way got a scale purposes photo of me sitting on a bit of Wallnut.


And another bit sat on the band mill


This is the other saw they have for edging.


And this is me being encouraged to fondle a sublime Norris by a sublime Bill Carter. (I'm very excited here btw)


It's a wonderful place and crammed with the nicest people. For those who might not know it, it's well worth going; not just on an open day but any time.
Photos of my Wallnut stash soon ...

What am I thinking ... I forgot to say I also met Ian from Chalco stamps and like the magical Mr. Olivander in Harry Potter he remembered who I was and what he put on my wand, er, stamp from over a year ago.
Sounds like a great day out?

Bill Carter was at West Dean a few years ago along with Karl Holtey - both very friendly and nice people.
Bill was showing his chisel scraper technique for shaping his handles etc
Darn it Richard...I am now GREEN with envy!! :mrgreen:

Mr Carter is kind of a hero of mine...his work is right up my street and his ideas and choice of woods have influenced a lot of what I now do..

How lucky you are to have met him in the flesh.

I would also have loved to meet up with Ian from Chalco...and thank him for the fantastic stamp in person...maybe one day!

Cannot wait to see what woods you got...I am shying away from walnut at the moment...although I have some to work with in the future...My fear is that a lot of people say it is difficult to work with...although sharp tools help a lot. Maybe I am just being a chicken but as you know,infill work is rather difficult at the best of times without the added complication of difficult wood...hence I rest easier with box and rosewood! :oops:

Thanks for posting this thread...it made my day...oh...and is it just the picture angle or is Bill holding the end of that plane in case you drop it!? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

But did you get a bit of Sarah's cake :wink:

Was due to be going over to this one but did not make it in the end :evil:

Would have been great to meet you Andy and like you say it is a nice day out 8) 8) 8)

Blimey Harbo, Bill and Karl in the same place? Doesn't that break some law of the universe?

It was Heaven Douglas. I felt like I'd been smacked square in the mush by a happy stick.
Yes, great saws. More of my effort further down.

I thought you might like it Jimi :mrgreen: Bill had actually been thrusting the plane into both my hands and centre stage in the picture. It was very hands - on all together. Can't remember which stall but there was a notice that said "Please Do Touch" That just about summed up the attitude of the whole place.
I've never had a go with Walnut either ... it's all anespeerience ain't it?

Pity not to see you Pete and Andy. I'm surprised there were no fellow forumites there .. or maybe there were?? Sarah Carter asked if we knew anyone and I had to explain that I might very well know a few people I just didn't know what they might look like. :)
No cake I'm afraid; Bill and Sarah were just on a social visit. Great BBQ though. 8)

Anyway, on to the wood.
From one saw mill to another (all be it smaller and unfinished)



There's the odd worm and knot hole here and there ...


A frosted preview of what I might find inside through the (what appears to be) parafin wax seal.


I'm really looking forward to having a play with it; tricky or otherwise.
You could have chosen from a lot of other species Jim - Pear, Box, London Plane, Holly, Burr Elm ... ok, ok, I'll stop. :)