A challenge to Philly


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Adam":1bgnt6cc said:
Whats wrong with you lot :shock: . Do you actually use your planes? Or maybe you vacuum them off and polish them such that they look brand new again after every use?Adam

:lol: :lol: :lol:

After watching David Charleswroth's video on hand planing, I keep a brush next to the plane shelf and sweep shavings off after every use - just like wat he taught me
Tony":2hj3p3ut said:
I keep a brush next to the plane shelf and sweep shavings off after every use - just like wat he taught me

OK, I don't know the reasoning behind it (and hence I'd be interested to know), but I can see keeping the mouth free of shavings might be beneficial - but you lot must get a duster out after that and wipe them down?:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Alf":3o85ggr0 said:
L-N's are Stanley pattern planes...

I know that :roll: :roll: I meant the stanley bailey things that one gets like these


the castings and sides are nothing like LNs which have lovely flat areas cast into the top of the sole rather than the webbed effect of the Stanley. Alos, I like the lack of a lip at the front of the plane
MikeW":1ba9m48h said:
But I am strong. I only will on specific requests. Which means someone has to figure out what I have...but there are clues here and there.
Right. How about:
  • "14 handsaws, 2 30" mitre box saws, a half dozen back saws and a couple Japanese saws and one stair saw"
    "And the four saw sets...and files, jointer."
    "the Sargent combo and the 39s and the MF router plane..."
    Stanley #12
    Ohio #8
    "had quite a few old Stanley, Miller Falls and Sargent block planes over the years. I have a MF still that I use a lot"
Aww come on, Mike, don't make me go through all your posts! :lol:

Tony, I was sure you did know that, but it might be confusing for the passing newb. 'Course the Cliftons are like the early Bedrocks with their round sides, but I don't much like the ribs either.

Cheers, Alf
Alf":25lgdmnm said:
[...consequently, this workshop is at war with Adam's...
Give up yet? :p[/quote]

Sorry, missed this post altogether. Nope. Perhaps you'd tell us which polish and material type is best for the polishing rags?? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink: Or how many polishes are required per week :shock: 8) :lol:

Alf":ddu6f0uh said:
Aww come on, Mike, don't make me go through all your posts! :lol:
Cheers, Alf
Well, why not :lol:

My tools page has had an update. You need to find the link.

But includes lathe tools and carving tools, including the Marples set my grandfather helped me get when I started.

I removed tools that have recently been given away and or sold. But there are many more unused ones that are not in the pics as they are slated for going away too. And there are some I didn't want to pull out, saws included.

Adam":65qew59d said:
Perhaps you'd tell us which polish and material type is best for the polishing rags?? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink: Or how many polishes are required per week :shock: 8) :lol:
Cheeky devil... Alas, the frequency of dusting off the shavings depends on workshop time spent. At the moment that equates to about once a month. :cry:

MikeW":65qew59d said:
My tools page has had an update. You need to find the link.
This 'un?. Werry nice, Mr W, werry 'andsome, sir*. Could have done wiv' fewer shots of the #55 perhaps... Is this your current tool cabinet then?

Cheers, Alf

*Apologies; currently steeped in Dickens and it tends to rub off on me. :oops:
Alf":1fngc4zf said:
MikeW":1fngc4zf said:
My tools page has had an update. You need to find the link.
This 'un?. Werry nice, Mr W, werry 'andsome, sir*. Could have done wiv' fewer shots of the #55 perhaps... Is this your current tool cabinet then?
Cheers, Alf
Yep. The multiple pics of the 55 et al were because I was going to sell them and wanted to include as many shots as possible. I was too lazy to weed out the unneccesary ones for today...

Yes, that's the cabinet. Puny little thing. It, of course, was fine years ago. And, well, I've been lazy about updating it too. I just add another cast-off upper kitchen cabinet or what not and stuff things into nooks and crannies.

Pretty inefficient, though.

who knew you would find it...
...Hey, I'd love to see a picture of your wood storage area - the linen closet that you have mentioned before!
...Regards from Perth
One more for the day. Not entirely off-topic as I do work the wood with hand tools...

Here's a link that was posted in the past. Added some captions to the pictures. Not in the pictures is a cord or two of turning wood and wood to cut into boards (Black Walnut, Apple, Birdseye burls, Pear, etc.), mostly cut about 3 foot long.

Also seen is the use (abuse?) of the house for projects in progress. Though those pictures are outdated now.


Mike's wood and mess
Enough, please.

Nobody who's contributed to this thread is a winner, nobody is a loser.

But there are too many boors.

Gill":14ugkeyt said:
Enough, please.
Nobody who's contributed to this thread is a winner, nobody is a loser.
But there are too many boors. Gill
Sorry you find me and or others a boor, Gill.

We're all just having some fun. I don't think any of us are taking this seriously. And I don't think anyone is trying to best another, either.

Not much different than showing one's work, imo. And I enjoy seeing that, too. Just like I enjoy seeing another's tools. It is a fun experience, for me, to visit someone's shop and be allowed to poke around and ask questions. But jolly good England is a tad far for me at this time in my life--and heck, I might not be invited to visit someone in real life :lol:

But a thread is a little like TV. If you don't like what's on, feel free to change the channel.

Gill":2wk522j2 said:
Enough, please.

I have to say I'm enjoying the idle banter and Scintillating conversation of this thread, its like having a daily dose of a soap opera, not that I watch soap opera's.

Any thread that shows people's work and tools inspires me to get in the shop.
It is a fun experience, for me, to visit someone's shop and be allowed to poke around and ask questions.

I whole heartedly agree, Mike.

Gill, we are all friends here, unfortunately with a great distance between us. We chat, share, critique, ask questions, answer questions, and this time we are visiting. I have not experienced this thread as an attempt by another to "best" others. We "Oooh" and "Aaah" and I take this in a spirit of appreciation with a touch of friendly rivalry and envy.

I started this thread, and it was meant to be a humorous opening for the very get together that has subsequently taken place. It was never meant to glamourise the tools, per se, but an opportunity to catch up and share a little of each person's current passion in their workshop.

Regards from Perth

'Tis all in fun and a spirit of interest, Gill. If it's not for you, and I can understand that, then 'tis easily avoided. It's done me a good turn, 'cos I've finally got off my behind and made a photographic record of my planes in case anything should happen. Apart from oddments like screwdrivers and such I've got 'em all done now, which is a load off my mind.

Mike, the handle on that rip looks very comfy. And what a depth of blade beneath it! Evidentally you haven't been using it enough. :wink: D'you know the maker?

Cheers, Alf
I can see Gill's point of view, posting a £2K or £3K collection of planes etc could well be perceived as being "boorish" with the associated economic/wealth implications not too mention the simple matter of "why so many?".
I don't think such things can be compared to pictures of projects etc if only from a skill/imagination point of view rather than the ability to buy/obtain X dozen planes etc.
But, as Mike has said, maybe best to just let them get on with it.
Although looking at pictures of such collections can be a lot handier than poking about about tool websites trying to find a particular plane and I guess first hand opinion can be useful in such cases..


Happy 4 Plane Noel
Gentleman, I'll move this thread to the peace of the Hand Tools board where these things are not valued in pounds, shillings and pence. :roll:

Cheers, Alf
Although if somebody who lived quite nearby had such a herd of planes I would be mighty pleased.....
Seriously Alf, I wasn't being too critical on the pounds, shillings (apparently a pre 1972 term, google is your friend...) and pence aspect of tool collections, we all have our vices (53A for me), and as you and others rightly mention ownership is more than simply buying and admiring.


Just a word of support for Adam here. For me, the only meaningful posting in this thread is his excellent series of pics. demonstrating a variety of different planes being actually used for some of their respective purposes. =D>

I am interested in looking at a tool in use in relation to a particular aspect of woodworking, as I am in, say, seeing the design of a cabinet that somebody has made to house their tools. Also, Alf's reviews, and others, of new kit are very informative and helpful, but just gloat pictures of tools lined up solely to display a collection is of no interest to me.

Although, as is so often said, each to his own of course.



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