100watt light bulbs


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Le dullard de la commune
2 Mar 2007
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Went to Electrical wholesalers today & bought 20 bulbs - cost a £1 each but prefereable to those p*$$ poor mercury laden things we are otherwise lumbered with now.
We stocked up big time about a year ago when I first heard about it. Nasty horrible migraine-inducing mercury-polluting slow-to-light-up lousy-colour-temperature ugly energy efficient light bulbs.
I reckon me & you ought to start a miserable old gits section :lol:

By the way had you noticed your posts tally
lurker":2bfw4t48 said:
I reckon me & you ought to start a miserable old gits section :lol:

By the way had you noticed your posts tally
It's alive and flourishing...has been for a while. It's called UKWorkshop :lol: - Rob

Electric lamps! pah bring back the gas mantle or the candle.

I get over 2 years life, dusk to dawn from compact florescent lamps in my outside lights.

Sounds a bit like a sketch from Monty Python.

Scene - a shopkeeper standing behind his counter. Enter a customer

Customer: "I've come to complain"

Shopkeeper: "Is that a one minute moan, a five minute grumble or a full blown one hour winge?"
I say we line the pippers up against the wall and we can all use whatever bloody lightbulbs we like.

What a complete LAUGH that we've now got to have millions upon millions of people dumping millions and millions of bulbs worth of mercury into the environment every year now.

What a completely and utterly BIRLLIANT idea THAT was.


On another note. I'd quite seriously rather use the hurricane lamp I've got out in the garage than energy saving lightbulbs. In fact, I might give it a bit of a clean, I'll be needing it soon enough at this rate.
My sentiments exactly Wizer,

Except I usually phrase it along the lines of ¡Viva la Revolucion! before remembering they've got us disarmed and over a barrel.

Makes me feel like your avatar looks sometimes... sad and teary.
I do detect elsewhere a growing weariness about the whole eco-thing. In many ways it's getting counter-productive - all this 'do this' do that...to the point that many folk that I know are saying 'sod it' - I'm not going to bother to sort out all my stuff..just whack it in the black bin bag.
Word is that we can move expect to move on to using LED lamps a lot more seriously as the technology is greatly improved. These will apparently outperform all those halogen bulbs we have been fitting into kitchens for the last 10 years!
RogerS":30lqsjoq said:
We stocked up big time about a year ago when I first heard about it. Nasty horrible migraine-inducing mercury-polluting slow-to-light-up lousy-colour-temperature ugly energy efficient light bulbs.

I feel the same way about almost every energy-efficient bulb I've ever bought.. They've nearly all been useless.. The single exception to this is the Ring brand twirly ones (which my nearest Focus DIY sells). The very first time you use them, they take a couple of minutes to cook the phosphor , and then ever after they instantly come on a full brightness straight away. I have 6x20W ones in my office and they kick out far more light than I could get with the 60W incandescents that the fittings are rated for.

I bought some Ikea ones a couple of weeks back and they are abysmal - Avoid them like the plague.
Roger - I concur.

As it happens, I believe the idea that man is causing global warming is complete hokum. I don't buy into it for a second. Not an invitation for debate, just a statement of fact to set up for what follows.

Apart from that, I'm INCREDIBLY conscious of environmental damage. I surf whenever I can get to the coast and when you do that you can't help but become aware. The difference between coming out of the water on a nice clean beach feeling great, and coming out of the water near a built up area and feeling violently ill, congested and like you're in the first stages of a bout of the flu makes you acutely aware just how much we dump into the waterways.

I'll buy everything I can in organic where it's available for 2 reasons... I don't want those chemicals in me, and I don't want them in the waterways.

The sheer volume of landfill we produce sickens me.

Since I was really young I've always turned off the lights when the last one leaving a room and avoid turning them on if I can help it.

And so on, and so on and so on...

Even considering all of that - the amount of pressure and compulsion involved these days is putting me off. I'm becoming more apathetic about what goes in what bin and most arguments for the common sense side of eco stuff actually pales away under the whole guilt-trip it's packaged in now.

I do think it is counter productive and, to be honest, it's really annoying me.

That these mercury-filled migraine-inducers are being forced upon us under the guise of environmental issues is just incredible.

Rant over.

Which MP's brother-in-law makes or imports long life bulbs? Or is that too cynical?

I can't believe I'm about to say this... but that might be too cynical.

This has come top-down from the Idiotcrats in the EU.

Just another ratcheting down against freedoms in another step towards totalitarian rule (something we're pretty much experiencing already) by an unelected elite (and I don't mean some conspiracy theory here, I mean the unelected elements of European rule who the MEPs don't really have any power to stand up against).

The ratchets tend to come under a cloak of environmentalism, crime reduction and anti-terrorism - but it's just a cloak. It's all about your freedom and how they can take it away entirely.

What happened??? I was in such a cheery mood about an hour ago.
BigShot":b250up6z said:
Roger - I concur.

As it happens, I believe the idea that man is causing global warming is complete hokum. I don't buy into it for a second. Not an invitation for debate, just a statement of fact

That's a remarkably, erm, "unusual" way to not invite a debate...

You are aware, I assume, that your "fact" is not universally accepted?

bugbear":1wnfclre said:
BigShot":1wnfclre said:
Roger - I concur.

As it happens, I believe the idea that man is causing global warming is complete hokum. I don't buy into it for a second. Not an invitation for debate, just a statement of fact

That's a remarkably, erm, "unusual" way to not invite a debate...

You are aware, I assume, that your "fact" is not universally accepted?


Here we go :!: :wink: